
Your Teen’s Dangerous Obsession With Dieting

Real beauty is found in a person’s heart, not in their appearance. The media rarely shows this though.

Many magazines and television shows feature only excessively thin people. Tragically, this can cause some teens whose bodies don’t match those same proportions to look at themselves with hatred.

Every lump and bulge becomes despised, and soon, they have a full-blown eating disorder.


When trying to determine if your teenager needs help, it’s important to tread carefully.

If an eating disorder is already present, they will more than likely work harder at hiding it from you instead of asking for help if you push too much.

Though it might be difficult, do your best to respect your teen’s privacy until you know for sure there’s a problem.

If you notice their teeth enamel appears eroding from frequent vomiting , or they never seem to eat more than a few bites, then there’s obviously a problem.

But, there are other more subtle symptoms of eating disorders you should begin to look out for too though.

Some of them include:

  • Finding multiple empty boxes of laxatives,
  • Comments from the dentist about teeth erosion,
  • Constant complaints about sore throats,
  • Sudden and dramatic weight loss, and
  • Meticulously keeping a food diary.


It’s common for both teenagers and their parents to go through a period of denial, or disbelief, over the possibility of an eating disorder.

However, this does more harm than good because the teenager goes longer without getting the help they need.

With each passing day of starvation, diet pills, and laxative use, they will get weaker and more vitamin deficient, and this can have devastating consequences on their health.


If you have any concerns about your child having an eating disorder, always take them for a medical evaluation as soon as possible. It won’t be easy, and they will probably get upset with you for making them go, but it may save their life.

For your teen to have the best chance at recovery, be sure you take them to a clinic specializing in eating disorders, like the Center for Change. Places like this offer outpatient treatment, which may work better for your teen, and can help them recover.

Eating disorders may not always be obvious, so it’s important to know the signs. If you notice any suspicious behavior indicating a possible eating disorder, seek help. Treatment can help get your teen back on track and overcome their challenges safely.

About the author

About the author

Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, Colorado. She often writes about home, family, finance and business. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family when she isn’t writing.

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