Stepmom Quotes

Stepmom Quotes ~ Five Quotes Honoring A Stepmom Who Passed Away

  1. “My stepmom was much more than a mom. She was also my confidant and best friend. Raising and loving me wasn’t her obligation, it was her proud choice. She did it in such a lovely manner that she became the mom I didn´t have. I will never forget our long conversations, when she would listen to me, be my accomplice and friend or be my guiding and supportive mom. Her tremendous love and the life lessons she gave me will guide me for a lifetime.”
  2. “Losing a loving stepmother leaves a hole in your heart that no one will ever fill. Sometimes stepmoms come to fill the emptiness that a mother left when she – willingly or unwillingly – abandoned her baby. But, once that stepmom comes, fills you with her love, decides to take care of you and guide you through life, she becomes simply irreplaceable. To my passing stepmom, my eternal love and gratitude.”
  3. “Some people walk in and out of your life without being noticed while others leave an indelible print on your soul. The person that left an unerasable mark in my mind and heart was my stepmom. She is the one who taught me right from wrong, the one who showed me love, the person that made me believe in family and love again. She is the one who treated me kind or strictly demanded more from me, the one who loved me with her entire heart. To her, I dedicate these lines. To honor her memory I will dedicate the rest of my life.”
  4. “When you already lost a mom, and then lose your stepmom, it seems like the whole world falls apart. But she wouldn´t want that from me, the best and only way to remember her is to have the strength she had. As she always said, there´s a light in the end, and at the end we will be reunited again”.
  5. “My passing stepmom is the one who taught me what it takes to be a mom. It’s about loving, waiting, fighting, persevering, forgiving and hoping. Her absence will never be filled, but her presence will never go away. She will always be with us, our beloved mom.”

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