
The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Kids

Being a mother is the most beautiful thing in the world but it can get challenging. Besides taking care of your children, you probably always have some housework to do. This could all  be easier if your children would not need your constant attention. Here’s the ultimate cheat sheet for kids to help you avoid tough situations and encourage your kids to help you around the house and have fun while they’re at it.

Make Chores Fun

Chores are usually a pain and nobody likes doing them. To have a little fun and get the work done, try turning it into a game or even a competition.

Happy little girl washing the dishes in the kitchen.

Turn on some music, and dance while folding clothes, dusting and washing dishes. If you plan to have a competition, give everybody an assignment and have them do it fast but thoroughly and award the winner.

For example, have your children race in cleaning up their rooms, but have some rules such as no hiding clothes and toys under the bed or throwing them into closets – everything has to be done neatly.

Work Out Partner

If you have a little baby you can’t really go for a run with him. However, slow exercises on a Pilates ball can give you the work out you need.

Safely wrap your baby in a swaddle, and have him bounce together with you. These movements will keep him calm and quiet. He might even fall asleep.

With older children you can easily work out together. Do some simple and easy aerobics, do some push-ups, sit-ups and jump around a bit. You get your exercise and they let off some steam and fall asleep easily in the evening.

Take Naps Together

Cute older sister with small baby in bed

Naps during the day are always a great idea, especially if you are tired and didn’t have a good night sleep. No matter how old your children are, they will be happy to have a nap after lunch.

This is also a good opportunity for you to get some rest. Clean up all the dishes together, then get comfy, tell some stories and have a nap together as a family.

Get your older children nice and cosy under a blanket, and put your newborn into a comfy baby sleeping bag and have a nap of your lives. You all will feel well-rested and ready for new activities and chores.

Enjoy Reading

You may have heard your kids say they don’t like reading. Well, they either have not really tried or they haven’t found the right book.

Instead of forcing them to read something you want, let them choose their own book and they will love reading it.

Closeup of Mother and daughter spending time togetherAlso, to encourage your children to read more, be an example of good reader. Every now and then let them see you reading a book and they would love to join you with their own.

Even if you don’t like reading, get some newspapers, sit down and turn some pages. You are their role model, so try and do your best so your children could be even better.

So, to make things easier and do everything that needs to be done and spend time with children at the same time, you have to involve them. Let them help you and simply be near you and there will be no more screaming around the house.

About the author

About the author

Emma is a teacher, constantly improving her skills both as a teacher and as a parent. She is passionate about writing and learning new things that can help you to lead a quality life. You can follow her on Twitter @EmmahLawson

Emma first contribution is a very popular post, “Ways You Can Make You Better.”  Click here to check it out.

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