Stepmom Poetry

Stepmom Poetry ~ Happy Birthday Stepmom

Happy Birthday Stepmom

Happy Birthday to my stepmom, I
Always will love her, a
Person of dignity, a
Person deserving of
Year after year of love for eternity

Believes in and encourages me
In my eyes, she’s the wild of the world, a
River running free
True to herself and to the beat of her
Heart, which helps me believe, to
Dream, to dare, and now we’ve shared
Another month, another
Year with each other

Strong, patient, and fun, she
Teaches me to be
Ever-loving, a
Person who lives without regret
Only myself, just like
My stepmom is only herself, and I could want none other.

~ Gerardo Campbell


Find my stepmom birthday poem in the archive for stepmom poetry by clicking here.

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