
Preparing Your Homeschooler For An Education In Medicine

The popularity of homeschooling continues to expand contributing to the development of innovative tools and new learning strategies. Homeschooling is producing well-rounded individuals and college ready graduates. In its many different forms homeschooling has proved to be an engaging and rewarding educational experience for children all over the world.

preparing your homeschooler for further education

But the debate is ongoing on whether students are really prepared through homeschooling for continuing education in medicine. If your homeschooler has expressed interest in medicine or health, how can you be sure they’re well equipped to handle an advanced education and career later on?  Here are some tips to help them get started.

Partner With Schools That Supplement Homeschooling Curriculum

While this may seem counter to homeschooling, it really isn’t. This concept has proven successful in many other fields for homeschoolers. The idea is to find schools that welcomes drop-ins and has specific classes such as chemistry, biology, calculus, physical education and other core curriculum.

Most will enroll in the high school classes mentioned above for exposure to a more formal academic setting. Many projects such as dissecting a frog or participating in a team sport have a richer context in group settings that can help prepare them for what they’ll face in college.

Focus on Medical School Curriculum

Since your homeschooler feels medicine is the path they will take, they may have already been looking at colleges. Take advantage of the online resources as well as scheduling campus tours with a focus on the science and math departments. Gather materials from each prospective school like syllabuses and information about student organizations and classes.

There are even institutions that will allow interested students to sit in on a class or lab during a semester. Schools like Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions will also work with students to transfer credits, so their time studying at a secondary institution won’t be time wasted.

Hone Essential Skills

There are certain skills, degrees in medicine rely heavily upon. For example, strong analytical, problem solving, reasoning, communications and research skills will prepare them for working with coworkers, different departments and disciplines.

Commonly called intellectual and communication skills include both written and verbal. I also includes an understanding of the humanities as it relates to social and behavioral constructs which will also play a substantial role in preparing your homeschooler for the different facets of a career in medicine.

Seek Out Other Homeschoolers Interested In Medicine 

Study groups among different homeschooling environments are commonplace, and usually take the form of parents leading instruction. This can be a great way to help connect with others who might be trying to study the same work. Search databases for interested students that are also pursing an education in medicine and find local classes or workshops they might attend together. Learning with others is great for developing study and teaching habits as well. You can have them study MCAT practice questions to get a grasp on what to expect when taking that entrance exam to get into medical school. 

Partner with Mentors

Role models currently working in medicine will have a tangible impact. Consider reaching out to those who would be willing to take on this kind of commitment and work one on one with your student. During this process, let the mentors dictate the scheduling and use any instructional ideas they share into every day curriculum. An added benefit to this partnership will be recommendations for schools and teachers in the future. 


Getting involved with hospital or other businesses that have a volunteer program will open up a treasure trove of possibilities for new students. Check with local hospitals, nursing homes, doctor offices, and others to see what their age restriction is. Some have an 18 and older policy for volunteers. If your child meets the criteria, then follow the application process. Another option to look into would be nonprofits that work closely with the medical industry. 

As a parent who uses the home school education platform, you know the control you have to shape your child’s education and the responsibility that comes with it requires vigilance and advocacy. The reward your child reaps leads them to becoming a productive, thoughtful and independent individual. The tips here will help them take the next step to a career in medicine.

About the author

About the author

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She studied writing and journalism at the University of New Mexico. After graduating she moved to Los Lunas where she now lives and works. Contact her via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.

If your child is interested in a career in medicine chances are they already know the value of a good education.  If your child doesn’t appreciate the value of a good education here are some tips that can help you teach your kids the importance of education.

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