Stepmom Poetry

Stepmom Poetry ~ You Learned To Love Again, I Learned To Be Your Mom

A poem from a stepmom to her stepchildren.

You Learned To Love Again, I Learned To Be Your Mom

Long ago in time, I met a beautiful bunch
Of rosebud cheeks and twinkling eyes.
1, 2, 3…4, I started to count
As you tumbled out of the house.
My first impression was…”Oh, what a bunch!
Will I be able to cope? I´ve never been a mom!”
But you all seemed so tender,
Nothing but sweetness and fear in your eyes.
Little broken hearts and hopeful souls.
Four little children who had lost their mom.
I glanced at your father,
The man who owned my heart.
There was the man that wanted me to be his woman
And here were his children
Which I hoped to love as mine.

Portriat of Siblings and Their Parents on Grey Background

Some days were so tough,
I would run into the woods and cry
Asking for strength, wisdom and patience.
It was not easy suddenly being a mom.
Sometimes you were so rebellious,
Punished me, I didn´t know why.
Then I came to know you
And I could understand.
Your anger was not because of me,
But of how hard life had been for you.
You had lost and suffered
So much in your short lives.
You were afraid of loving
And of losing one more time.

mre et sa fille

But miracles happen with love and time.
You gained confidence and trust.
You learned to love me as your stepmom!
Each night I thank God
For what He has brought:
The man of my dreams and
The children of my soul.
What nature didn´t give,
The Lord gave to me.
The blessing of four adorable children,
Who have become mine, though not my blood.
You learned to love again,
I learned to be your mom!

~ Gerardo Campbell

 Find more great stepmom poems in the Archive for Stepmom Poems.

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