Single Dad

Single Dad Poetry ~ In Praise And Support Of Single Dads

In Praise and Support of Single Dads

Single dads go above and beyond
To maintain an unbreakable family bond
Bound together with silken rope
Woven with love, on dreams and hope
Carrying out the work of two
Day in and day out, and all year through

You’re always there in times of need
In control, and taking the lead
Even though sometimes it might be hard
And now and then, you’ll be caught off guard
But if troubles become too much to bear
Advice and support is always out there

If help is needed, no need to feel shame
So learn from others, who have felt the same
A burden shared makes the burden lighter
And pathways lead to a place much brighter
So never be afraid to seek support
It can only strengthen your family fort

Troubles come and troubles go
In life’s beautiful, natural ebb and flow
Learn from your experiences of joy and pain
These building blocks are never in vane
Take the rough with the smooth
And the good with the bad
But enjoy the roller coaster of a single dad!

And whatever the reason for your transition
Be proud of your ‘Single Dad’ position
Celebrate all your achievements to date
All you do for your family is truly great
There’s not much a single dad can’t do
And you for one, are proving that’s true!

~ Gerardo Campbell

If you know a single dad please send this poem to him – he’ll appreciate it. Thanks.

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