Honoring Stepdad

Stepdad Poetry ~ To A Wonderful Husband And Stepdad On Father’s Day

To a Wonderful Husband & Stepdad on Father’s Day

It takes a special kind of person
To become all that you are
A great husband and a stepdad
And our brightest shining star
I appreciate all you contribute
To achieve our greatest goal
We were blended with such love
As our halves became a whole

The day we made our vows
They were not just to each other
We became husband and wife
And also Father and Mother
The path was sometime’s rocky
But we made it to the gate
And this life that we now share
Was truly worth the wait

You deserve this special message
Now that Father’s Day is here
To let you know how much we care
Each day throughout each year
Your sacrifices humble us
But you take it in your stride
The greatest husband and stepdad of all
You fill our hearts with pride

Happy Father’s Day!

~ Gerardo Campbell

Find more poems honoring stepdads here.



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