Single Mom

Single Mom Poetry ~ To Our Single Mom On Father’s Day

To Our Single Mom On Father’s Day!

This poem is for our single Mom
We hope it makes her laugh
Because she’s like a dad as well
She’s never been just half!

So now that Father’s Day has come
We couldn’t miss her out
We need to shout it out!

We hope you have a lovely day
And celebrate in style
You try your very best for us
And always make us smile

We’ve never felt we’re missing out
Not having Dad around
You’re the best of both worlds really
And you keep us safe and sound

We won’t bring you a pipe and slippers
That would seem quite mean
But we’ll bring you a sparkling golden crown
For our single Mom’s our Queen!


Happy Father’s Day Mom – We love you!

~ Gerardo Campbell

Find more Single Mom poetry here in the Archive for Single Mom Poetry.

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