Single Mom

Single Mom Poetry ~ She Who Would Be Everything a Little One Needs

A poem in praise of single moms.

She Who Would Be Everything a Little One Needs

Who could know her world?
She’s too alone
Who could share her worry?
She frets
Who would break her shell?
She’s hardened
Who would ease her hard times?
She fights

Alone, she frets, hardens, fights
By herself, she stresses, toughens, battles

Who has made her children her world?
She smiles every day
Who cares so much she cries yet still tries?
She loves with her whole heart
Who holds her children close every day?
She makes the most of each precious moment
Who hikes to the peak of every mountain before her?
She overcomes, her eyes on the other side

For her children, she smiles, loves, holds, overcomes
With her children, she feels joy, fulfillment, connection, power

She is mystery and complexity
Worth wanting to know
She is an unstoppable force
Worth jaws dropped in awe
She is power and love
Worth respect and love

She is a single mom
Worth great praise

~ Gerardo Campbell

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