
Ten Reasons To Thank A Teacher On National Teacher’s Day

“School Days” is a popular American song written in 1907 by Will Cobb and Gus Edwards. The theme of the song is a sentimental couple looking back on their childhood together in elementary school.

The best known part of the song is its chorus:

School days, school days
Dear old Golden Rule days
‘Reading and ‘riting and ‘rithmetic
Taught to the tune of the hick’ry stick
You were my queen in calico
I was your bashful, barefoot beau
And you wrote on my slate, “I Love You, Joe”
When we were a couple o’ kids


National Teacher’s Day falls on the Tuesday of the first full week in May, which reads more like an algebra problem than a date.  Kind of like which train leaving from which station traveling at a certain speed will pass point A first. 

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Most of us can name one or more teachers who directly touched our lives – sparked a flame that endured into adulthood – or went the extra mile to make our school days a little better. It’s nice to have one day a year set aside to say, “Thank You.”  In fact, I think there are many reasons to stop and thank the teachers in our world this national holiday. 

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Thank a teacher for teaching you how to write.  Okay, I know we do more typing than writing these days – and I’m sure no teacher ever taught LOL, OMG, LMAO or CU – still they taught us to string letters into words, words into sentences and sentences into meaningful ideas. 

Thank a teacher for teaching you mathematics.  Now you can balance a checkbook, make correct change and do your taxes – although you may not be thankful for anything while you are doing taxes, but the IRS and their auditors certainly appreciate it! 

Thank a teacher for teaching you history. Think of how many times all those facts and figures have come in handy when competing in trivia contests or as great dinner conversation starters. 

Thank a teacher for teaching you music. I personally cannot carry a tune in a bucket, but I do love good music and am thankful to all the teachers who brought out the talents in others for me to enjoy. 

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Thank a teacher for teaching you art – either as an artist yourself or as an admirer of them.  Where would we be without the beauty of art created by artists encouraged and mentored by the teachers in their lives? 

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Thank a teacher for teaching you science. A subject near and dear to my heart, but should be appreciated by anyone who drives a car, uses electronics, or enjoys the scientific advancements that are made at dizzying speeds these days. Some science teacher somewhere can legitimately be credited on some level for each breathtaking advancement that has ever been made. 

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Thank a teacher for teaching you a foreign language. Especially the next time you’re lost in a foreign country and need to ask directions. Or simply when you want to use the few words or phrases you still remember to better communicate with the human race at large. 

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Thank a teacher for teaching you the importance of physical fitness whether you were a jock or a mathlete in school. Gym class may not have been your favorite hour of the day, but think of the benefits you’ve reaped from a lifelong adoption of physical activity. And we wouldn’t have top athletes without the many coaches they learned from along the way. 

Thank a teacher for teaching you read, otherwise you couldn’t have enjoyed my little ditty here. 

Thank a teacher for teaching you – and for your children – thank them for opening the mysteries of the universe to the next generation as they find the subjects sparking their imaginations and possibly change our world for the better. 

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So for all the teachers everywhere, Thank You!  Enjoy your special day.

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About the author

About the author

Karen Foley is a professional freelance stock photographer who also loves the power of the written word. See more of her work on or visit her personal website to learn more.

The best teachers leave their mark on us long after we’ve left the classroom or other learning environment. Do you have a favorite teacher that comes to mind?  Please share with us what made them your favorite.


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