
Seven Tips To Make Bedtime Easy And Help Kids Get A Better Night’s Rest

The school bells have started ringing signaling the end of summer vacation and the return to school for our kids.  The late night bed times and late morning sleep-ins have already or will soon come to an end.  Writer Hannah Whittenly, a mother of two boys, shares some tips for helping your kids smoothly make the transition and get a great night’s rest.

As a parent, you cherish those one or two hours at night when you can finally relax and wind down from a long day. Children, however, aren’t always so cooperative, asking for five more minutes, one more story or finding themselves thirsty every night. Here are seven tips to help your child sleep soundly every single night:

1. Create A Sleep Environment

A quiet, peaceful bedroom will provide a child comfort and help them fall asleep easily. A nightlight, cherished stuffed animal or favorite blanket will help them feel more comfortable as well. Making sure your child feels safe and secure in the room is a critical first step to ensuring a sound night’s sleep.

2. Set A Routine

By setting a bedtime routine you will start getting your children into bedtime mode before they even climb into bed. Routines can include things like bathing, eating a small snack, cuddling and brushing their teeth. Your children will begin to know what to expect and this will make them less likely to fight you when it’s time to actually go to bed.

3. Set A Bedtime & Wake Time

Setting a proper bed time and sticking to it is quite important, but it is just as important to stick to a waking time. Allowing children to sleep in when they have off from school is fine, but letting them sleep in too late will make it much harder to go to bed at night. Set a schedule that allows your child to get 9-12 hours of sleep each night and they will not need to sleep in to feel refreshed.

4. Limit Electronics Before Bed

Research shows the light produced from electronic equipment like a television or computer may prohibit the production of melatonin, a hormone that is a critical part of the sleep cycle. When these levels are high, people get drowsier and fall asleep more quickly. Shutting electronics off an hour or two before bed will help children fall asleep as soon as they hit the pillow.

5. Make Sure They’re Comfortable

People tend to sleep better in a cooler environment, whether they are children or an adult. Try to keep a consistent temperature in your child’s room during the evening to promote a good night’s sleep. North Shore Pest Detective adds cleanliness of a bedroom is extremely important to a child’s ability to sleep. Make sure not to bundle your child under the covers too tightly or it make be difficult for them to cool off if they get too hot.

6. Stories Or Games

Listening to a favorite bedtime story is a staple for children, but a quick, quiet game can help them clear their minds just as easily. Games like two truths and a lie or building a silly story together will get their minds off of going to bed and they will quickly become tired. As a bonus, it helps keep their mind stimulated right until they fall asleep.

7. Gentle Reminders

A child will try to come up with a thousand excuses not to go to bed. It’s important to use them as a gentle, firm reminder it’s time for bed. When they call you into their room, wait a couple minutes before coming in to remind them they should be asleep. It’s important to make sure they feel safe and secure knowing you will respond, but always make sure to let them know they should be sleeping.

It’s important to remember each child is unique and not every technique will work perfectly for them. Tailor these tips to each child and they should be sleeping soundly in no time!

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