
Summer’s Here: Six Things To Keep Kids Healthy & Safe

Fresh air floods your home. The sunlight warms even the coldest room. However, despite these natural elements that weave their way into your abode, your children still want to go outside. Keeping safety and health tips in mind is crucial during this season.


As the prevalence of allergies seem to be only increasing in society, you want to be aware of possible allergens for your children. While keeping them sheltered from everything almost promises a weakened defense against allergens. You also don’t want them exposed to substances that could trigger a near-fatal or fatal reaction. Schedule an appointment with their doctor to find out if any particular anti-allergy regiment is needed.

kid allergies

Safety Gear

While you might not want to battle your children to wear their helmets when skating, you absolutely must for both safety and legal reasons. With safety gear, there are ratings and different levels of quality to consider. If your child is a skateboarder who takes the sport pretty seriously, meaning he or she is trying different tricks on rails, ramps, quarter pipes, etc… you’ll want to make sure they have the best in their helmets or any other gear they wear.

kid helmet

Around the House

You cannot prevent every minor injury from occurring, but you can take steps to fight against the big ones. Around the house, if you child likes to ride their bike, scooter, skateboard, roller blades, rip stick or even just running around the yard, there are things that could cause injury. Look for cracks in the sidewalk or driveway.

Make sure the swing set is in proper working order. No loose screws or bolts, old worn out swing ropes or splintered wood. A lot of these things are common sense to take a look at, but every year during the summer months, injuries to children increase due to being outside and more active. Make sure to do some checking around the home and keep summer fun and safe.

kids playing

Other Children and Injuries

Not only should you check your property for the safety of your kids, but you should do so if other children are coming over as well.

Kenneth Cristall Legal, a personal injury lawyer in Langley, Virginia said if someone is injured on your property, you could find yourself in need of an attorney.

Check to see no steps are loose on the deck or that planks aren’t coming up from the porch. Conducting a thorough check of the property before any other children come over is advisable.

Crime and Children

Some argue this world is much more dangerous than the one you grew up in.  Others say the media plays up such stories. Whatever the truth may be, you want your children to know basic rules like not talking to strangers, never getting into the car of someone they don’t know and screaming if they need help. Children who are well-prepared for these situations will give you better peace of mind.

don't talk to strangers

Seasonal Dangers

Pools are some of the biggest issues during the summers. Always have the proper gates around yours, and never allow children to go in the pool unsupervised. No running around the pool also needs to be stressed.

It seems cliché, but there’s a reason it’s a cliché, kids and even adults slip and fall, end up in the pool and drown! You also must be aware of the powerful force the sun exerts and keep sunscreen with a high SPF on your children.

Summer certainly brings new adventures and activities to explore, but you need to be aware of the negative effects too.

Chaleigh Glass is a writer and photographer from NYC. When she isn’t busy in her apartment writing, Chaleigh loves to travel. Her escapades and interactions with people from a broad spectrum of backgrounds has given her a vast amount of different experiences and pieces of knowledge that she loves to share in her writings.

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