
Family Disputes – Five Tips To Help You Cope

FamilyDispute Every family has disagreements, it’s just part of human nature. However, sometimes these disputes can escalate, leaving family members upset or furious. When this happens, individuals involved in the disagreement may feel they don’t have anywhere to turn for help. Thankfully, there are a few things you can do that may help eliminate this feeling of helplessness and resolve the dispute.

Take A Break

In some instances, all that’s needed is to take a break from talking and arguing with those involved. Even if this doesn’t ultimately solve the issue, it can give you some time to think clearly about your action and what you want. It can help both parties to be more clear headed and cool off before coming to an important decision. If possible, leave the house for a few hours or even a day to gather your thoughts before meeting again. The most regretted decisions and words said are done in the heat of the moment when people are ruled by their emotions. Taking a break is one of the most effective things you can do, especially in family disputes.

Consult With A Forensic Accountant

Money disputes over misspent funds can easily be solved when a forensic accountant is brought in to review the questionable accounts. These professionals can determine when and even who spent any money that is in question. Having a third party come in and help sort out the facts will save a lot of time and finger-pointing for everyone involved. Money almost always leaves a trail.  Professionals can look through statements, bills and more to determine what happened.

Consider Those Involved In The Dispute

If the legal dispute is over the finances or health care of an elderly parent or relative, ask them what they want or thinks is best. While they may not be capable of making their own decisions, a durable power of attorney, living will or prior conversations can help determine what they would really want. Keep in mind the person involved when coming to an agreement.

Talk To A Neutral Family Member

Sometimes another family member on good terms with each of the persons involved in the dispute can work as a mediator and help solve the crisis. However, this can be a little difficult because many neutral family members want to stay that way – neutral. Try to just get basic advice and how you should act, rather than pry about the other party’s intentions or thoughts. Talking to someone who knows the situation without the fear of fighting is a good way for you to better understand their thoughts and see the bigger picture.

Hire A Lawyer

If there are legal matters that can only be resolved in court or if it’s unclear what law(s) apply in the dispute, it is wise to hire a lawyer suggests the professionals at Donnell Law Group. An attorney can work through all of the legal issues, making sure that all laws are adhered to and that the matter is resolved according to the law. An attorney can also work as a mediator in this type of dispute, helping all members reach an amicable agreement to the issue.

Being involved in a legal dispute with family members is never easy. Unlike legal issues that occur with people you do not know or with a business, family disputes involve a lot of emotions. These emotions can become very heated, and many families can easily be destroyed if the problem is not handled correctly. Doing the right thing by bringing in the right third-party to help settle the issue will allow the family members to move on.

Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, CO.  She often writes about home, family, finance and business. A mother of two, she enjoys traveling with her family when she isn’t writing.

Do you have other tips for peacefully resolving family disputes? Please leave them in the Comments. Thanks.
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