FamilyGreat Husband TipsMarriage

Four Ways You Can Spice Up Your Sex Life

Sex - Thriving plant next to dying plantPlants will die without the proper care, nurturing, and feeding. Our relationships are the same way.  Marriages especially blended family marriages need to be constantly cared for, nurtured, and fed, or else they will die.

Sex is an important part of our marriages.  When you hear the phrase “stuck in a rut” in marriage, it frequently describes a couple’s sexual relationship. Spouses complain the same script is constantly being followed whenever they do or don’t have sex. 

The initiation is always the same, the foreplay is always the same (even if that means it’s non-existent), sex is always the same position or two or even three, but in the same order.

Why? Is sex bad? No. Is the orgasm horrible? No. But it’s boring. Yes. Sex can be boring, if it’s constantly the same thing, over and over again. This is what happens when we don’t improve our sex life. It becomes scripted, unexciting, boring, and then dies.

God created sex for our pleasure.  Sex is meant to be exciting and adventurous; the newlyweds described in the Song of Solomon were having all kinds of sex in and outside of the bedroom.

If your sex life is on life-support, author Jess offers some suggestions for bringing it back to life.

Re-Discovering the Spark

If you’ve ever been in a long-term relationship, then you likely already know keeping the sexual side of things vibrant and exciting can be difficult.

Over time, couples can often become “too familiar” with each other and the sensual aspect of their relationship may suffer.

It might not seem like a problem at first if you still get along and enjoy spending time together. If it’s not addressed though it can sometimes become a bigger issue, affecting other aspects of your relationship.

For those men experiencing trouble achieving and maintaining an erection due to a medical condition such as irregular blood flow, prescription medicine is available to help. Sometimes, things might not be working in the bedroom because the action needs attention and requires spicing up.

You can also try Semenax which can help you increase your level of orgasm intensity for more pleasurable sex for you and your wife. Sex is like any other part of a relationship. To be successful, it needs devotion and constant care.

So if you’re looking to make your sex life a little more exciting with your partner, here are just four methods you might consider:

Put On a Little Private Show

Ladies, it’s fairly common knowledge men are turned on by sexy visuals. So why not try exploiting that? Before you get down to business in the bedroom, put on a little display for him. You might try wearing a new set of lingerie or even performing a striptease.

And if you want to make things even hotter, then try wearing a pair of heels and keeping them on in bed – this will accentuate the length of your legs and make the whole experience a little more exciting.

Sexy Texting

Anticipation is a great aphrodisiac. A great way to build up sexual energy is to text each other during the day before a “big night in”. You don’t have to be overtly graphic to be sensual.

Just naughty, suggestive little phrases like “Don’t work too hard – you’re going to need some energy for later on” can make a world of difference and let your partner know you’re thinking about them.

Try It In Slow Motion

The temptation when trying to make sex more exciting is to go at its full pelt and rush through in an almost animalistic fashion. But instead, every once in a while, try going in the opposite direction. Having sex, and doing the things you normally do, but at one-quarter of the speed, can help you to forge a closer sexual bond with each other and savor the moment.

Take It Out of the Bedroom

By “going Dutch”, we’re not suggesting you do it outdoors or in the local park. But taking it out of the bedroom and into other areas of the house can make things more scintillating and interesting. Be spontaneous.

Try doing it in the living room when everyone else is out or even in the dining room. If you want to really take things up a gear, you might even try it stood up in your hallway.

Do you have other suggestions?  Please just keep it PG-13. 🙂 

About the author

About the author

This article is written by Jess who works for Express Doctor as a dispenser. She just recently returned from a two-week holiday in Australia with her husband Mike.

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