
Top Tips to Help Your Online Dating Profile Stand Out From the Herd

Online dating profile - keyboardThe online dating world is just as, if not more, competitive than the ‘conventional’ dating world. With hundreds of dating sites and millions of users logging in every day, standing out from the crowd is incredibly important, especially when you consider just how intimidating it is for most browsers to wade through literally hundreds of people. To get started, why not try browsing yourself?

Scour through the databases on your chosen site and see which profiles stand out for you. Even if they are all drastically different individuals, the profiles themselves will probably have more in common than you think. Here we’ll be taking you through a few simple steps, which can make your profile stand out with them!

Choose a Name Reflecting Your Personality

If you’ve spent any amount of time trawling the online dating scene, you’ve probably seen hundreds of profiles with incredibly unimaginative profile names, which boil down to little more than the user’s first name followed by the date of their birth. If they have put so little effort into choosing their user name, then what does that say about them as individuals?

Online dating profile name

Not very much at-all. A good user name will say something about the user. Maybe include a reference to a favorite movie, book or musical act? Or perhaps include a clever pun? Whatever you decide, if you have to include more than one number in your user name because it’s too familiar, you should really try again.

Consider the Site

Online dating profiles - online dating sitesWhat specific online dating site you’re using and what kind of partner you’re trying to attract should go some way towards defining your profile’s content. If you’re using a no strings attached dating site, for example, focus less on your more intricate personality quirks and more on your hobbies and interests.

The easiest way for somebody to make a connection with another person is through shared interests, so why not use that as bait? Also, there are a fair number of “specialty” websites, which cater to all manner of niche interests and lifestyles. If you’ve signed up to one of these sites, it will benefit you significantly if your profile at least mentions, or makes reference to this specific niche.

Online dating profile - specialty dating sites
A Few Specialty Dating Sites

If you’re using a dating site for goths for example, you’d be mad not to at least make a passing mention to your deep affinity for Norwegian black metal. And if you’re on a site which caters strictly to gym buffs, whereas on other, less specific sites, giving intricate details of your exercise routine might dull the very soul out of most potential catches, in this instance it might just bag you a date!

Make Your Introduction Unique

How many times do you think they will have read that you love to hit the town, but are just as comfortable snuggled up on the sofa with a DVD? Instead of listing a few of the generic things you enjoy doing, which (let’s face it) most of us do, single out what it is that makes you unique and inject that into your intro. Online dating profile - sample profile

Maybe you have an interesting job? Or maybe you have a quirky interest that goes some way towards defining you? Or maybe you’ve traveled the world two or three times over and have an incredible anecdote to share? Whatever it is you feel that best underlines what makes you, YOU! It’s all very well sticking to ‘buzz words’ like favorite football teams or favorite movies, but that doesn’t tell us very much about you does it?

A Witty Headline that Invites Response

By making your headline witty, amusing, or a question that can be Online dating profile headlineanswered as an opening gambit, you invite more clicks and more messages. The headline on an online dating profile is a lot like a headline in a newspaper; it’s the first thing that draws you in and if your headline is particularly dull, it’s unlikely you’ll get many exciting visitors clicking on your profile.

Use Interesting Pictures

It’s all well and good simply cropping your most flattering picture and sticking it front-and-center, but you do want to have 4 or 5 pictures like that on your profile? How boring is that? While it’s obviously recommended to make sure your primary profile picture shows your face and body clearly, (regardless of who might say otherwise; appearances do matter, especially in online dating, always remember attraction is subjective), your other pictures should show off what you’re like.

Online dating profile - Before and after pictures

If you’re into a sport, maybe have a picture of you playing that sport, or if you’re a musician likewise. Also, make sure there is at least one picture with you and your friends, as this will make you seem more genuine and relatable to your potential dates.

Don’t Waffle On

The profiles that generally receive the least amount of messages are the ones with hundreds of lines of text. Of course you want to make sure there are at least a few (short) paragraphs, but don’t get carried away and start typing a condensed version of your life story. Not only will it make you seem incredibly self-involved, but what will you have to talk about on your first date if they already know everything about you?

Of course, there is no such thing as a perfect online dating profile and it’s true that in many cases, you might simply get a response because somebody likes the look of you (this is especially true with no strings attached dating sites), but by streamlining your profile, you’ll be giving yourself the best possible chance to find happiness. And isn’t that something we all deserve?

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