
Is it True Love? Five Signs You See in Their Face

Springtime is for lovers. But how do you know if the person you’re seeing is really in love with you? It’s not easy to tell, but it’s possible. Here are five signs to look for in your lover’s face to know whether they really love you.

Sign #1 – Blinking

A person’s blink rate can signal their attraction to you. The blink rate is a sign of excitation, so you’ll expect to see this sign more in the Signs - blinking eyeinitial phases of a relationship, when sexual energy and attraction are running high. When a person sees the object of their attraction, their eyes will blink rapidly.

As your relationship develops, it’s normal to see this sign diminish, but hopefully by that time, you won’t have any doubt she loves you. (And hopefully you’re not looking for signs she’s lying to you, because rapid blinking can be a sign of that, too.)

Sign #2 – Flushed Cheeks and Lips

Our cheeks and lips flush naturally when our heart rate increases. A racing heart has been shown to be an involuntary sign of sexual attraction. It’s also an adaptation intended to attract the person you’re attracted to. By mimicking the flush that comes with the exertion of orgasm, people are looking to engage the attractive person with a sexual display.

Sign #3 – Dilated Pupils

When we’re looking at someone or something that attracts us, our pupils dilate. This was first established in a 1965 experiment where participants were Signs - dilated pupilsshowed a number of pictures including nudes. The results revealed people’s pupils dilated when looking at something they considered sexually exciting.

However, pupils can also become dilated when looking at something else we desire, such as a delicious-looking dinner. Make sure you’re gauging their pupil size when the person is looking at you. Pupil contraction is a clear sign of disgust or disdain.

Sign #4 – What Does Their Smile Say?

Signs - the smileA smile is one of the most common signals people exchange when flirting. However, it’s also one of the most difficult to interpret. Most of the signs we’re talking about here are involuntary, but a smile is one that is consciously manipulated. As a result, interpreting the genuineness of a lover’s smile can be difficult.

Look for a spontaneous smile that involves the eyes. Remember women are more likely to smile just because it’s expected of them. With men it’s more likely to be a genuine expression of interest. People who work in service industries or other places where smiling is professional may also be more likely to give you a false smile.

Sign #5 – Tilting Their Head

When a person is interested in you, they are more likely to tilt their head toward you. For women, this is also an attempt to attract a man, because it creates the illusion the face is being looked at from above, Signs - woman-laughing-tilting-her-headreflecting the expected view based on the relative height of men and women. Men may also tilt their head to the side to create a similarly oblique perspective without breaking eye contact, which would give the opposite signal.

Read Them Like a Book

Now you’re ready to look at your date’s face and know whether they are truly engaged, or if they’re just with because you’re here for now. You can also use these signal to chart changes in your relationship and know when the passion is gone, which hopefully never happens.

Dr. Matthew B Candelaria (PhD, U of Kansas 2006) is a freelance writer who has spent more than a decade studying and writing about evolutionary psychology (sometimes called sociobiology), and its role in love and attraction. He has applied his insights when writing for clients in plastic surgery, weight loss, and dental industries.

Are there other signs of true love?  I understand a woman playing with her hair while she is talking to you is flirting. Please add them in the comments below.  Thank you.

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