Most parents will admit raising children is often one of the most challenging tasks in life. Between the responsibilities involved to the attention and discipline needed, it can be an unsettling and intimidating task to raise children correctly. When it comes to helping kids make wise decisions, there are a few steps to take to make sure they use wisdom in life.
Give Your Children Choices
Kids need to practice making wise decisions to ensure they maintain the habit throughout life when they’re on their own. Give your children full authority when it comes to what sport they’ll play, how much they should practice a musical instrument, and how much money to save.
Guide them with advice beforehand to ensure they know the correct behavior you would choose as a parent.
While they can make these choices, be sure they also understand the consequences.
Not practicing a musical instrument could mean you won’t pay for lessons any more, while not going to sports practice may result in you not getting them the gear they need. Children need to make decisions, but it’s very important to also give them the consequences both good or bad.
Be an Example
If children see their parents lie or cheat in a number of circumstances, then they will likely model this behavior and find little fault in it. Set an example as the parent and display honorable character in your everyday life.
If you receive extra change back at the store, have them go back with you to let them know of the mistake.
Simply avoiding bad choices is not enough for kids, they need to see you making good decisions, even when you don’t have to.
Make Learning Money Management Skills Fun
To help your child learn the basics with money, play Monopoly as a family for a fun way to bond, while also learning financial skills. You can then apply this to their own money and help them make wise decisions when it involves buying, saving and selling.
For older kids, make a game out of learning how to invest money. This way, they can learn the good and the bad that comes with money and how to make more wise decisions.
Discuss Gun Safety
Instead of forbidding the use of guns, which might increase the child’s fascination with the objects, teach them safety. Thoroughly explain gun safety by showing them how to check the chamber and magazine to make sure it’s empty, while also instructing they should only touch the trigger if they’re going to shoot the gun.
Gun owners must take safety precautions even at home, such as always using a gun safe. Even if you don’t have guns in the home, chances are, some of their friends might. It’s important no matter what age they are, they know what to do if they come across a gun.
Teach Children to Stop and Think
Many children are naturally impulsive when it comes to making decisions, making it important to help them establish a new habit of thinking before acting.
Teach them how to stop and think before they make a decision or speak. This will allow them to question if their actions will harm or benefit them or another person.
This applies to older children as well, as peer pressure becomes more difficult. They also may want to spend all the money they earned at their job on clothing or fun with friends. Teach them the importance of thinking about their actions and making wise choices.
Learn the Value in Mistakes
Your child must learn how to deal with their mistakes from time to time, making it important to teach them the value in failing and how it can be a learning lesson. Help them to find the positive aspect in mistakes instead of becoming frustrated with themselves when it occurs.
You will likely teach your child how to ride a bike and learn the alphabet, but by helping them to make wise decisions, they’ll take a new skill with them throughout life. It will not only benefit their future and success, but can have a direct impact on everyone in their life.
Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She writes about finance, home and family, and business. A mother of two, she enjoys spending time with her family and reading a good book when she isn’t writing. Please let Anita know if you liked her article by using the Stars and Thumbs below. Thank you.