Small Town Charm: The Pros and Cons of Rural Living

Many people imagine small towns to be perfect. There is something charming and quaint about living far from the big and busy city and letting kids grow up closer to nature. While there is much to praise about rural life, living in a small town can also have drawbacks.
Although every town is different, there are some pros and cons you should consider before making the final decision on where you and your family want to settle.
Pros of Small Towns
Small towns usually have lower crime rates than large cities. When you know most of your close neighbors you’ll feel at ease and less likely to be a victim of a crime. Of course, you’ll still want to lock your doors at night, but small towns offer the comfort there are less people around.
With less people comes less crime, drugs and other negatives associates with bigger populations. As another added bonus, small towns often have cleaner air than pollution-choked cities.
In a small town, you won’t be a stranger for long. You will get to know the cashier at the grocery store, and the attendant at the gas station. This is a huge contrast to living in a big city where you’re surrounded by strangers. Your kids are sure to make fast friends with neighbors. They’ll become the people you know for years to come.
Slow Pace of Life
Small towns are the perfect antidote for those wishing to escape the hustle and bustle of urban areas. Out in the open spaces, you’ll find the pace of life has significantly slowed and you’ll be able to relax with less activities to go to. In a small town, you won’t be blasted by the noise of traffic, construction and loud parties at all hours of the day and night.
Access to the Outdoors
Many small towns serve as gateways to the outdoors. If you love to hike in the mountains, why live in the middle of a city? You could live in a small mountain town. If you enjoy the ocean, you might choose to settle in a small seaside town in California or Maine.
If you love Southern hospitality you might consider the city of Spartanburg in South Carolina. This gives your family more of a chance to get to know nature and revel in the beauty of the place around them.
Cons of Small Towns
Lack of Privacy
In a small town, everyone will know your business. And if they don’t know your business, they will speculate about it. When you know all your close neighbors, you also know all their problems.
It may seem like you’ll have more privacy, but often you’ll get less than you expect. You’re limited to the amount of neighbors you have, and you’ll get to know their lives pretty well.
Limited Job Opportunities
Rural areas have fewer job opportunities than cities. Plus, jobs in small towns often pay lower wages than comparable jobs in cities. You’ll find you might be limited in the area you go into in a small town or you commute a long distance to get to work.
Lack of Nightlife
If you love a lively nightlife, you might get bored in a small town. Many small towns often have limited options for entertainment after dark. Small towns also have fewer cultural offerings than cities.
City residents who move to small towns often miss the variety of museums, theaters, and performances that are available in cities.
Small town life has several benefits and drawbacks. While small towns have many things in common, each town is unique. It’s up to you to consider the advantages and disadvantages to a specific town in order to decide if it’s the right place for you.
Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She studied writing and journalism at the University of New Mexico. After graduating she moved to Los Lunas where she now lives and works. Contact her via Twitter @BrookeChaplan.