
See Irreplaceable on Tuesday, May 6

What is family?  Does family still matter in today’s society?

What is Irreplaceable About?

Every member of the human race has the desire for significance – a desire to belong. The family is where those deepest longings are fulfilled.

Irreplaceable-FacebookImage-320x240Unfortunately, the word “family” has all but lost its meaning in our modern cultural landscape. And the fallout has been significant. Divorce. Crime. Poverty. Addictions. Abuse. Our attempts to redefine and reimagine the family only make these problems worse, not better. When the family is weakened, society suffers. But strong families make the world a better place!

The Series

Irreplaceable is the first in a series of feature-length documentaries that approaches the concept of the family from a number of different angles. The goal of each documentary is to recover, renew and reclaim the cultural conversation about the family.

The Movement

Celebrate the family by attending a screening of Irreplaceable during the theatrical one night event on May 6. Sign up for e-mail updates here. And be sure to tell your friends and family members about the Irreplaceable screening so they can take part, too.

gen3logo@x1But the documentary is just the beginning. You can make a commitment to building your own family on a solid foundation that will span the generations by making the Gen3 promise. What is the Gen3 Promise?

It is a commitment to have a thriving marriage and family for the next 3 generations. It starts with a promise to daily invest in your own family knowing a healthy family will impact generations to come. So, make the Gen3 promise and start living the Gen3 life now!

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