
Boy Scout Eagle Service Project Ideas for Your Son

Boy Scout Eagle Award - Once an Eagle always an eagleIs your son a Boy Scout?  Is he aspiring to become an Eagle Scout?  When your son earns his Eagle rank, it’s an honor that will stay with him for life. Colleges recognize this achievement as an indicator of future academic success. Future employers will be impressed with the level of commitment, dedication and leadership this award shows.

One of the biggest challenges for potential Eagles is choosing a service project. The project’s purpose is for the future Eagle to demonstrate leadership in giving service to others. The selected project must benefit the larger community. Here are a few ideas your son might want to consider for his Eagle service project.

Paved Trails for Outdoor EnthusiastsEagle service project - Sunset Ridge Trail Eagle Project

Taking a trail that’s made of wood chips or dirt and adding gravel to this surface is a smart idea. People walking the trail will appreciate the more stable footing, and it eases the ongoing maintenance requirements for the park district. Doing something like this might also include getting a company like: Descenzo’s Rubbish Removal that can help with trash and other things gathered during the paving of new trails etc..

Companies love to have a hand in helping out the community and are usually happy to donate funds, services, etc.  Planning for something of this magnitude means a great deal of assistance will be required with this project. It’s a chance for the scout to show his leadership skills with delegating duties, raising funds, and coordinating the work.

Help for the Disabled

There are countless ways to help the disabled in your community. Build a wagon for hayrides that can be used at camping facilities. Add handicapped-accessible ramps to nature centers or community parks so people with limited mobility can still fish or enjoy the outdoors. If you’re adding ramps, consider contracting with a trash removal company for easy clean-up when the work is done.

Focus on Saving Energy

Shift the community focus to saving energy by making pamphlets on how to conserve energy. Raise the funds to add solar lights to community parks and then install them. Create a local parks and recreation system where children now and in the future can learn about saving energy and recycling.

Look for a Community Need

Every community has needs. There’s not always enough money in the coffers to cover the expense. Take a tour of different community buildings to see if any of them are in need of repairs. Perhaps the nature center needs a new roof. Maybe the community center has damaged areas needing repairs. The Eagle service project doesn’t have to include new construction. You can improve and repair these buildings that are used by the community at large.


When planning his service project, it’s important for your son to work closely with his scoutmaster and other troop adult leaders. They can offer him valuable ideas and insight. They can help him tweak his plan and perfect his idea to ensure his Eagle Project will be worthy of the name and will be a source of pride for both you and him in the future.

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