Blended Family

Blended Family Poetry ~ Cooking With Confidence

A poem celebrating the blended family. Why are cooking analogies used when it comes to people?  The melting pot, blender, etc.

Cooking With Confidence

A recipe for happiness
can come in many forms,
including some ingredients
that might stray from the norms


Put them all together,
whisk into a paste,
bake for just a little while
to create a whole new taste



Blended family poetry ~ Happiness Recipe


Experiment with seasoning
Don’t forget to take your time.
Your newly blended family
is going to be just fine.


Don’t worry if you measure wrong
Or if you make a mess.
A recipe that’s made with love
is a recipe for success.


~ Jim Templeton

Find more blended family poems in the Archive for Blended Family.

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