
Learning Your Child Is Missing Out On?

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There are only so many hours in a school day. Between the time and financial limits, it’s difficult for one educational institution to provide your child with all he or she needs to be prepared for future success.

Today’s summer camps go beyond participating in fun and traditional activities associated with camping like swimming, living outdoors, and hiking. When deciding which summer camps is the best choice for your child, there are several factors to consider. 

For example, the cost, the location, type of camp and the ages of campers accepted are just some of the points you may wish to consider.

Here are a couple of different subjects you should look into getting your child more than just a regular education in.

Computer Technology

For the past 20 years, technology has been moving as fast as lightning. There’s a pretty good chance your son’s or daughter’s school isn’t able to keep up.

Some schools still don’t even have the hardware necessary for a successful computer program. Jobs in computer tech and internet sectors are growing and growing. 

There are also a lot of essential services that have moved online, such as filing taxes or online shopping. A working knowledge of technology is a must, especially for the next generation.

One of the best opportunities you have to make up for this is over summer break. You can combine education and fun into one by finding your child a summer camp for kids or class.

Learning a Foreign Language

learningThe internet has also made the world smaller by making our ability to communicate with people all over the world easier. More companies than ever require employees to travel or communicate with business associates overseas.

A lot of students are only expected to take a couple of years of another foreign language in school. Also, some schools only have one or two different foreign languages to choose from.

For some career paths, it may be wise for your son or daughter to find and take Latin classes. A lot of the terms used in law and medicine have Latin roots. Also, many European languages are Latin based.

Resume/Cover Letter Writing and Career Counseling

It may not seem important to your child now, and it’s certainly nothing to pressure them too much about yet.  Giving your child a head start by teaching them the basics of job hunting while still in high school is not a bad idea.

You’re never too young to start thinking about your future and getting a leg up on the competition! Local career coaches and tutors shouldn’t be hard to find, especially over the summer months, but these aren’t the only places you can go for help.

Try looking into what your local library has to offer, you may be surprised at all the resources they provide. Don’t forget to check online as well! Some places offer distance learning and counseling over the web.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving5356515066_critical_thinking_skills_xlarge

Ironically, teaching students how to learn has decreased. Critical thinking and problem solving are the fundamentals of knowledge and sometimes not enough attention is paid to them, especially when teachers have to ensure students are ready for upcoming tests.

Spend more time talking to your child in depth about subjects. Encourage your child to read by signing them up for a program at the library, or if they are in high school, see if they can take a philosophy class at the local community college.

Kent Allen has been a serial entrepreneur in Richmond Virginia for years, and has worked in the tech industry for almost 30 years. His latest passion is educating teens on the web with his website building summer camps.

Are there other subjects or topics you can suggest? Home economics (baking, cooking, sewing and domestic tasks) and household financial management comes to mind. Please leave them in the Comments below.  Thank you.

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