Single Mom

Single Mom Poetry ~ Happy Birthday Mom

“Happy Birthday Mom” a poem wishing happy birthday to a single mom from her children.                                        


Happy Birthday Mom



Single mom

Hopeful, Wishful

Trying, Striving, Crying



Amazing mom

Knowledgeable, Powerful

Achieving, Succeeding, Thriving

Single Mom Poetry ~ Happy Birthday Mom
Single mum Sam Seymour and with her nine-year-old twin daughters Sophie and Molly.


Our mother

Blissful, Charitable

Caring, Giving, Loving


You’re singularly amazing as our mother

Your hopes and wishes are backed by

knowledge and power like none other

Creating a life of love we could never deny


You, mom, fill our lives with happiness

It’s more gratifying than we could hope to say

We don’t need you to provide wealth and riches

Your love keeps us well, and so on this day


We wish you the very best and happiest birthday!


~ Gerardo Campbell


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