You Don’t Have to Bear It Alone

When you’re having a rough day at work or going through emotionally challenging times, how do you usually cope? Do you prefer to be left alone, keeping thoughts to yourself? Or do you run to friends or family for advice and support?
In times of need or crisis, having some alone time can be helpful for you to mull over things and decide on an action plan. However, having yourself surrounded by people who can lend you a hand or give you a shoulder, is a great opportunity for you to get a better perspective and share the burdens you’re carrying.
You don’t have to bear it alone.
Recognizing Your Social Support Network
Your social support network should be more than your “friends” or “followers” in Facebook or Twitter. These connections, more often than not, are shallow and simply start and end with the sharing of status updates, photos, and comments online.
It is important to understand your real social support network is composed of genuine people – family and friends with whom you have established deep and meaningful connections, who can be there to talk to you personally, and are trustworthy enough to respect and understand you at your worst.
A reliable counselor or personal development coach can help you deal with inner conflicts. They can be a great reinforcement to your social support network as he or she can assist you through your personal and emotional struggles and guide you toward achieving your goals.
Benefits of Having a Solid Support System
Studies have shown people who have steady support systems cope with various stresses better than those who have weaker ties. The following are only some of the benefits you get when you develop strong relationships among friends and loved ones:
- Sense of belonging
- Sense of security
- Improved psychological and emotional well-being
- Improved self-esteem
- Resistance to illnesses
- Ability to combat stress
- Brighter perspectives
Ways to Strengthen Your Relationships
While it’s true technology and social networking sites have made communication a lot easier, it’s undeniable that nothing can ever match actual interaction. Like a quick chat over coffee with a dear friend, confiding problems to your parents or siblings, having counseling sessions with an experienced life coach, the one-on-one or group sharing in rehabs between doctors and patients; the list goes on. To help you maintain strong ties and weave meaningful connections with people, here are some tips to keep in mind:
- Seek new experiences
- Share experiences with others
- Be open-minded
- Be an optimist
- Don’t be judgmental
- Respect people
- Reach out and constantly stay in touch
- Engage in personal development sessions
- Be inspired by personal development videos
- Avoid unhealthy competition
- Be happy for your friends’ accomplishments
- Show appreciation
- Be a friend people can depend on
- Be grateful for life
Remember no challenge is too tough that you, along with your social support network, cannot overcome. However frail and powerless you think you may be, these dear people will come and help carry your loads; and you’ll be grateful for having real angels around, in the form of friends and family. You don’t have to bear it alone.
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License: Creative Commons image source
License: Image author owned
By Debra Wright
Debra Wright keeps tabs on all things new in the world of self improvement. Aside from using this information in her current line of work, she seeks to help and inspire others by writing about her newest discoveries. Keep tabs on Debra @debrawrites…