
Five Reasons Moving Downtown Is Better For the Entire Family


While owning a home away from the business of the city may be beneficial in some ways, moving downtown has its perks. It is not only for young singles. More and more families are making the move to the center of the city for reasons the whole family can benefit from. Here are just a few reasons why it might be best for everyone to move downtown:

School System

Compare the statistics of your children’s current school with those of the district you could possibly move to. You may be surprised with the test scores, teachers, programs, curriculum, and even the variety of after school activities offered. There are typically more options to choose from when you move to the city. It is often closer and more convenient to travel to school and after-school activities.

Access to Health Care

It may not come as a surprise to you to find out the best doctors flock to markets can provide the most attractive compensation packages. Those markets are usually located in downtown areas of major metropolitan areas. Again, you will have more options in the city to choose the best health care provider for your family.


Downtown - walking to workBeing closer to work is much more than a convenience issue. It means more quality time to spend with your family and doing the things you love, not to mention the financial benefits of living in more transit-friendly areas. You will have more time to engage in activities such as shopping for healthy meals to cook and sitting down together each night at a designated time to have dinner. You will have time to play outside with your kids after dinner, or to enjoy a family walk. By living closer to work, you can feel less stressed and have more time after work for other activities.


The variety of art museums, music venues, theaters, and galleries will ensure there are plenty of stimulating activities for the entire family to enjoy weekly. When you are a local resident, many times you can take advantage of offered discounted services. Remember, entertainment is not just something to do to kill time. This is an opportunity to expose your children to the world It will only help them develop intellectually, emotionally and socially.

Benefits of Apartment Living

Living in apartment downtown has many benefits the entire family will love. It is generally much less expensive than mortgages you will pay from buying a house. It also gives you the option of “choosing your neighborhood” and


surrounding yourself with a good people in an uplifting environment. Living in an apartment can also save you a bundle with the amenities it provides from close locations to parks and recreation to gyms and spas.

Choosing to live downtown can make your entire family happier and healthier. Consider these benefits if you are thinking about how a change of location can help your family.

Informational credit to MetCap Living.

Anita Ginsburg is a freelance writer from Denver, CO. She writes about finance, home and family, and business. A mother of two, she enjoys spending time with her family and reading a good book when she isn’t writing.  Please let Anita know if you liked her article by using the Stars and Thumbs below.  Thank you.

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