It can be very difficult to determine if your child needs glasses. Children usually will not mention any problems with their vision. Even if your child doesn’t mention having trouble seeing, there are several signs you should look out for.
If your child displays any of these four common signs of vision problems, then it is a good time to get them in for an eye examination.
Tired Eyes
It’s common for some little kids to rub their eyes when they are about to sleep. However, if this is done frequently, you should know excessive rubbing is a sign of eye trouble. If your child needs glasses, then their eyes will become strained due to working harder to see. Squinting and covering one eye are also major signs of vision troubles.
It is not uncommon for a child to get an occasional headache. You should become worried if they actually experience headaches nearly every day. The added strain on the eyes when trying to focus with vision problems causes the muscles in the eye to tense up. The tensing of these muscles results in a headache.
Tilts Head
A child that is constantly titling their head may just look like a peculiar habit, but it is actually one of the most common signs of vision problems. An imbalance in the eye muscles is one of the leading causes of vision problems. The only way to fix this imbalance without glasses is to tilt your head. The tilting of the head helps stabilize the eye muscles and reduces the dizziness it causes.
Sitting Too Close to TV
You may just think your child is really interested in the show if they are sitting too close to the television, but it is actually a major sign of needing glasses. The most common reason of sitting incredibly close to the television is not being able to properly see from the couch or from a similar distance. This also applies if your child is holding books incredibly close to their face when reading.
If your child has any signs of vision problems, then you should immediately get them in for an eye exam in Draper Utah or in whatever local area you may be to see if they need glasses. Untreated eye problems are only going to get worse as time goes on. They also have the potential to hinder your child’s ability to perform in school. They may fight with you about getting glasses, but it is the best thing that you can do for them.
Chaleigh Glass is a writer and photographer from NYC. When she isn’t busy in her apartment writing, Chaleigh loves to travel. Her escapades and interactions with people from a broad spectrum of backgrounds has given her a vast amount of different experiences and pieces of knowledge she loves to share in her writings.
Do you have any other ways to tell if your child needs glasses? Please write them in the Comments. Thank you.