
How To Get and Keep Your Motivation

Sometimes it can be very difficult to get into gear.  You can find yourself feeling very unenthusiastic. It can be real chore to get yourself off the sofa and get things done – but if you don’t check off these tasks then you will just feel even worse.

Summoning up motivation when you are feeling tired and/or withdrawn can be very tough to do – this combined with laziness can eventually lead to depression. Being busy is the best way of beating the blues. If you are feeling a little lackluster and you need a bit of help to find your motivation, then read on for some top tips for getting back and keeping your motivation.


motivationYou will be amazed at the amount of extra energy a little exercise gives you. If you are leading a very sedentary lifestyle, then you are bound to be feeling a little unmotivated from time to time.

Make yourself a promise you will get more active, and start by going to the gym or going for a walk/run. You’ll find the more exercise you do, the more energy you’ll have for life in general.  You’ll also have the added bonus and benefits of feeling fit and healthy too. The more you do, the more you will want to do – it is just a matter of taking those first steps.

Eat Healthily

Diet is so important for your overall well-being. It’s not that hard to eat healthily. Avoid junk food and rule out food such as sweets, fried foods and foods high in saturated fat. Give your body a healthy blast by eating organic loads of fruits, vegetables, fish and chicken.Motivation Drink plenty of water.  Avoid caffeine and alcohol. It will only take you a few days to feel a whole lot better – and you’ll find you are far more productive with a little work.


Make sure you get plenty of good quality sleep every night. Go to bed at a sensible time, and have a bath and relax for a while before you go to sleep. Sleep plays an important role in our overall health and mental well-being. and if you are not getting enough sleep then it is bound to have an impact on your day-to-day life. Try and make sleep more of a priority in your life and you will notice some substantial differences. You will be happier, you will feel more energized and you will be far more productive and alert.

Motivation - good sleep


It is important to reward yourself when you do something well. If you have mustered up the motivation to complete a job then why not treat yourself somehow? Perhaps you could go a shopping trip, or maybe you could even buy yourself a beautiful piece of jewelry. Rewarding yourself for a job well done is a very important thing to do. Make sure to celebrate even the smallest successes.

It’s easy to summon up motivation if you try hard enough – give it a go today!  Check out more motivational quotes to stay motivated in the New Year.

About the author

About the author

Jennie Parker, works at Lior Diamonds, a leading jewellery store in Chicago. In her spare time, she loves to knit for her kids, Jamie and Linda.

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