Six Dangers to Be Prepared For

Every parent wants to keep their child safe. With so many seen and unseen dangers, it pays to be aware of the common injuries parents are surprised to discover. Eliminating some of these dangers from your child’s life is essential to health and happiness as well as your peace of mind.
Danger #1. Falling Objects
So many parents think that putting dangerous items on tall shelves is the best way to keep their child from getting to it. Unfortunately, all too many children hurt themselves trying to reach these items. Each year, children are injured due to things like falling cans in the pantry or heavy boxes just within reach.
Danger #2. Powered Vehicles
Power Wheels can be fun toy for children, but you should be a bit picky about repairs. If the job is not done right, use of the toy may result in injury. When the battery dies, always go to an authorized Power Wheels service center for certified parts and repairs.
Danger #3. Tra
Trampolines pose many risks, and not just from falls. Children can break arms and legs flipping and landing. In many instances, children end up kicking each other, causing bloody noses and other injuries. The best way to prevent injuries on a trampoline is to buy one with a net and limit the number of children allowed on it at one time. There is also the option of digging a hole in your yard and make the trampoline ground level. There are a couple of different options, find the right fit your your kid’s needs.
Danger #4. Poison
Parents often fail to realize some of the cleaning solutions they buy come in containers that might look like a tasty jug of juice to a child. Keep cleaners and other chemicals locked away so youngsters won’t make a fatal mistake. Also, always have the poison control center number by a phone with easy access, this is a leading injury among children.
Danger #5. Drowning
Many parents keep an eye on their children while they are in the swimming pool but fail to consider pool safety when it is not intended to be in use. In fact, many drownings occur because a child fell into the pool after getting through a baby gate. Prevent drowning by installing a locking gate around its perimeter. And have all the exits to your home locked so your little ones can’t wander off. Many young families will have an alarm installed on the back and sometimes front doors, so you know when a child is entering or exiting the home.
6. Dehydration
Without prompting from an adult, many children don’t drink enough water. Dehydration can be fatal, especially in the hot summer months. A child with chapped lips is likely dehydrated; remedy this with a glass of water immediately.
Watching out for danger and keeping your children safe and protected is part of your parental role. In following this advice, you might be saving your little one’s life. Make sure you’re aware of your family and child’s needs and protect them.
Brionna Kennedy is native to the Pacific Northwest, growing up in Washington, then moving down to Oregon for college. She enjoys writing on fashion and business, but any subject will do, she loves to learn about new topics. When she isn’t writing, she lives for the outdoors. Oregon has been the perfect setting to indulge her love of kayaking, rock climbing, and hiking.
Brionna Kennedy is a regular contributor to Support for Stepdads. Her previous contributions are:
Teaching Kids Accountability – Five Ideas Your Kids Will Love
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