Drugs – Five Signs Your Teen May Be Struggling with Them

One of the seemingly hopeless aspects of parenting is the feeling you’ve lost control of your child. Drug abuse and addiction can often be a reason why your child no longer acts or even looks like themselves anymore. The world is a different place these days. There are many peer pressures our young teens have to endure at a young age. Here are the five most common signs your child may be using drugs.
Changes in Behavior
Drug usage will usually change the way your teen behaves. Skipping school, missing family activities, ignoring chores, talking back, and general rebellion can indicate a drug problem. In addition to this, there are many common behavioral signs of drug use.
- Stimulants will usually result in talkativeness, agitation, aggressiveness, restlessness, and sleeplessness.
- Depressants will often cause lethargy, slurred speech and moodiness.
These are the most common behavioral changes that readily shown by someone who is under the influence. However, any noticeable behavioral changes are worth looking into.
Changes in Friends and Relationships
When someone starts using drugs they will usually start hanging out with other drug users. Additionally, drug rehab experts say drug users will usually separate from the people they were once close to as they no longer feel comfortable being around them. You may also notice they have become more withdrawn from family members and previous friends. If you think your teen may be running with the wrong crowd, they probably are.
Changes in Interests
As people age it is common for their interests to change over time. However, if the change is unusually sudden and dramatic, it may mean there is a problem. If you teen gives up on a hobby that was once their passion, it is worth talking about it. It is a big deal to give up on a talent they have spent years becoming proficient at.
Changes in Appetite and Weight
Drugs affect appetite. They will often cause users to eat significantly more or less they once did. Weight loss and gain are a result of the change in eating habits. It is very common for addicts to become much thinner or larger than they once were.
There are also natural reasons for these types of dietary and weight changes, but once you start seeing these warning signs together, you know in one way or another something traumatic has changed in the life of your teen.
Changes in Appearance
Drug use can be apparent when looking at someone, especially someone you know well. When using, your teens eyes can give them away. Eyes may appear glassy and red, and the pupils may be dilated or restricted. Hygiene will usually become less of a concern for the addict, so they can look ungroomed, disheveled and even dirty.
Your teen may be spiraling out of control, but there is help available to you and them. There are multiple resources at any parents finger tips. There are countless websites offering real information and helpful advice for your situation.
One website is sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Another superb resource is the Newport Academy Teen Treatment Center. Educating yourself on what is out there and common among teens these days is a great idea.
The Author
Brionna Kennedy is native to the Pacific Northwest, growing up in Washington, then moving down to Oregon for college. She enjoys writing on fashion and business, but any subject will do. She also loves to learn about new topics. When she isn’t writing, she lives for the outdoors. Oregon has been the perfect setting to indulge her love of kayaking, rock climbing and hiking.