
Top 5 Ways to Protect Your Home from the Bad Guys

No matter where anyone lives, the idea of theft is enough to make a homeowner feel sick to their stomach. Many people believe because they live in a safe neighborhood they are immune to crime, but this is simply untrue. No matter where you are, there is always the risk someone might try to break into your home, threatening your possessions and your family. However, there are different methods that can give you an increased amount of protection from anyone that might want to get into your home uninvited.

1. Get a Dog

Dogs are mans best friend for a reason. A burglar will be a lot less inclined to break into your house if they know you have a dog. Dogs are very alert and can inform you on any impending danger or intruder. Thieves know this and tend to stay away from houses that have a dog.mZ-nai5v8rNbcajlFZ-OWUw A dog can even be more effective if you get one of the larger breeds that are meant to protect people. These dogs will not only be able to scare away intruders, but they will also be able to defend your family if someone is truly persistent.

2. Don’t Show off Your Things


You don’t want a burglar to know exactly how well-off you are. While this can usually be determined by what neighborhood you live in, you still don’t want to make yourself too much of a target. Don’t showboat your things around for the entire world to see. If you have a Lamborghini, keep it in the garage, not out in the driveway. Don’t make it so that people are able to see your 52 inch plasma screen TV from the front window. Be smart about your possessions. It’s okay to have a lot of nice things, but don’t flaunt them. A little bit of common sense can provide you with the best protection, which is the trait of not being noticed.

3. Create the Illusion Someone is Still There

While nighttime is when most people get scared about burglars, most thefts actually occur during the daytime while everyone is at work or school. Knowing this, you want to give the illusion someone is still home. If you have an extra car, one that isn’t a Lamborghini, feel free to leave it in the driveway. You might also want to consider purchasing an automated light system that will turn lights on and off during random times throughout the day. All of these things will give the appearance someone is home during the day, which will be a huge deterrent to potential thieves and burglars.

4. Get a Gate

People underestimate how effective a solid gate can be. Go to Crocketts Gates of Windsor if you want a decently sized gate, but even the smallest of gates can have a huge effect. Gates give the impression of security, and they can make it extremely difficult to steal larger items. traditional-fencingIf a burglar sees that you went through the effort of gating off your house, he or she will assume that you are cautious and not the best mark. A gate simply makes things more difficult for a burglar, which often means that they will skip your home and look for an easier target.

5. Get a Loud Alarm

You don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on elaborate alarm systems with radar and heat seeking missiles. If your alarm is loud and annoying enough, the burglar will leave. Period. Even having the alarm stickers in your window is enough to deter most burglars to go somewhere else. You might also want to consider getting an automated alarm system that will automatically call the police when the alarm goes off, which might help to catch the criminal before they have a chance to escape and wreck havoc elsewhere.

Following these steps, hopefully you have a bit more peace of mind when it comes to leaving your house. While nothing is foolproof, it’s better to take these precautions than to do nothing at all.

Chaleigh is a writer and photographer that currently resides in NYC. While she spends most of her time writing, it is always a breath of fresh air to escape the apartment and photograph the buzzing city. Chaleigh also relishes every opportunity that she has to travel, no matter whether it is to escape out into the country or fly to Europe.

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