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Ways Father & Sons Can Bond Over A Love Of Cars


As young boys grow up, it’s important their fathers are there to guide them to manhood, make sure they feel loved and answer all of their questions. Sometimes a father and son may have a hard time coming together and really bonding and understanding one another.

One thing most men and their sons have in common, though, is a love of cars.  From the most exotic sports cars to the biggest monster trucks. Continue reading for some ways you can use your very own car to spend some quality time with your son during which you can talk and learn more about one another.

Make It a Date to Wash and Wax the Car Together


If you love to wash your car yourself, you can take the time to show your son how to do it right. From how to ensure you get every last speck of dirt off the paint to how to thoroughly dry the exterior to make sure it looks flawless. Of course, one of the fun parts of keeping your car clean is when you get to apply a wax coating that will really make the car shine.

Many men use their time cleaning their vehicle as a way to get out of their own heads for a little while. When life is too stressful, getting outside and focusing on your car can really help you forget about the world for a while. The manual labor involved is also a great form of exercise. So teaching your son these habits will inevitably help him in the future as well.

Teach Your Son How to Make Vehicle Repairs


Making repairs to your own vehicle can also save you a lot of money you would have otherwise spend at the mechanic. Showing your son you can make these repairs and be self-sufficient is a great lesson to him because he will learn that it’s important to be able to rely on yourself to get what you need accomplished.

Show your son how to change a flat tire and oil and other basic maintenance procedures just to get started, whether you work outside in a temporary car shelter or inside your garage.

Take Trips to Car Shows Together


Taking trips to car shows together is yet another great way to bond with your son over your mutual love of cars. These are great opportunities to get out and have some fun together–just the two of you–and you can use these shows as opportunities to learn more about one another’s personal tastes when it comes to cars.

There really is no better way to develop a strong bond with your son than by talking about cars. Taking him to car shows and teaching him how to maintain a vehicle’s exterior appearance as well as how to make mechanical repairs to the inside of the engine are also important bonding experiences.


Harry William, the author of this article, works with, Discount Portable Garage, leaders in protective shelters and enclosures. He is an avid gamer and an enthusiast foodie.

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