Date Ideas – Five Great Ones To Keep You Both Smiling

Date your wife – what for? We’re already married. At first, I pooh-poohed the idea of dating your wife.
But that’s me I’m somewhat romantically challenged and remember I have a masters from the University of Hard Knocks. I learn things the hard way.
Hopefully, you’re not like me.
After a few months of blended life and canceled visits by my stepchildren’s dad, I eventually understood the importance of couple time. Dating your wife allows you to spend time focusing on just each other something you miss in a nuclear family marriage where there’s usually time spent just as a couple before having children.
Having a regular date night with your wife is important. Particularly during the first years of marriage when you are adjusting to each other as husband and wife and at the same adjusting to the unique challenges of blended family life.
Spending time on a date with your wife will remind you why you married her in the first place. Writer Jenny Wadlow has five date ideas guaranteed to keep the fun and romance alive.
First dates and the initial phase of the relationship (if it becomes a relationship after a few dates) are always fun and exciting. Getting to know each other is interesting and respective flaws are not so obvious or smartly covered.
The couple is too smitten with one another to even pay much attention to the food they are eating or the movie they’re watching.
It is when the relationship has run for a fair amount of time that people start getting bored or those adorable quirks become extremely annoying habits. Keeping the “fun” part alive isn’t easy but nor is it impossible.
Go for unusual dates instead of the same dinner and movie routine and rediscover your fun side with the partner!
Here are a few date ideas:
Date Idea #1: Stand Up Comedy
We all need a laugh, sometimes a big laugh to help relieve our tensions. Getting stressed, fighting with your partner or sulking will never get you any peace.
Laughing for a couple of hours, on the other hand, will cheer you up.
Take the love of your life to a comedy club and laugh your heart out together. It’s interesting to note what makes your date laugh so that if nothing else, at least you can crack her/him up during tense or stagnant moments.
If you are particularly adventurous and carefree, please sit on the front row and let the show begin.
Date Idea #2: Barefoot Bowling
Unusual sport for a couple who might have seen it all is just what the doctor prescribed. Couples who have been together for long know too many things about each other, so it is fun once in a while to take each other for things never tried before.
Barefoot bowling might just be one of the things these couples haven’t attempted. Some places also hold barefoot bowling competitions, so take your partner there and bring out each other’s competitive side.
Whoever loses buys dinner in the fanciest restaurant of the winner’s choice.
Date Idea #3: Sign Up for a Class
Any short-term course, like cooking, baking, dancing or even DJ-ing is a fun way to spend time together. It all depends on what you two like.
Sometimes all those salsa and rumba classes can get intimidating for your partner regardless of how much you may enjoy them. Hence, for those, sign up with like-minded friends or alone.
With your partner, go for something you two are equally passionate about or at least open to. There has to be something!
Date Idea #4: Brewery
Come on; you have to love that excellent place where they brew their beer. Not only do they serve you various flavors (apple cider! Slurp!), but they also give you a nice little tour of their brewery, showing you each and every step involved in the process of making your favorite pint of delight. You get to learn something, the deep meaning of the blessed liquid you will be consuming all day! And the best part? You get at least a glass of beer for free.
Date Idea #5: Amusement Park
No one can resist a rollercoaster or a giant wheel, no one, ever. Also, the butterflies in the tummy will spring back, and it will be like the first date again.
At least the swooping feeling in the stomach and the giddiness will return.
These are a few unusual date ideas you can treat your better half to. It will be fun, promise.
The author of this post, Jenny Wadlow, is a mother of two. She often writes for Brunswick Bowling Club, a clubhouse renowned for its lawn bowling and party venues. Her other hobbies include gardening and pottery. You can follow her on Twitter @JennyWadlow. Jenny has previously written for Support for Stepdads you check out her article, Great Gifts for Baby Showers.