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Tips on Three Tough Topics to Talk with Your Kids

tough topic - father and son looking at oceanChildren often come to the adults in their lives with difficult questions regarding tough topics. It is important both as a role model and a person they trust, you put some real thought into the answers you give them. Here is sound advice on discussing drugs, death and sex.

Tough Topic – Drugs

Tough topic - drugs

When someone in your family is struggling with drugs, it is hard on the whole family. Your child will have questions. It is best to approach the subject of drug abuse before the child asks.

  • Education

It is important you educate your child about drugs, especially if you know the exact drug of choice of the abuser. You want to make sure if your child happens to see it lying around, to bring it to your attention.

  • Your Personal Feelings

Let your child know there are options for the abuser. Explain that although you all love that person, the person must come to the realization on their own drug rehab is the first step they can take toward sober living. Sobriety cannot be forced.

Tough Topic – Death

Tough topic - death

Death can be a difficult subject, but it doesn’t have to be. Children are introduced to death at a young age from the time they see a dead insect or animal. When your child asks about the death of a loved one, consider the following.

  • Explain What Happened

If grandma died of a heart attack, explain what a heart attack is. Stick to the facts, but also be aware of their age and how open they are to difficult subjects.

  • Your Beliefs

Tell your child what your family believes. It can be comforting to know they may see grandma again in heaven. If God is not your thing, then your child can seek comfort knowing they can carry a piece of their loved one in their heart.

Tough Topic – Sex

Tough topic - God-created-sex

This can be an uncomfortable subject, but  not avoid do not avoid it. When the subject is brought up, it is important you just provide the facts and not invent things just to explain about it or because you feel the child should not be hearing such.

  • Child’s Age

The age of the child is important in this situation. Too much information too soon can cause more confusion and questions. It’s best to stick to scientific facts discussed in simpler terms without showing any malice.

  • Your Personal Feelings

Try to stay away from the “birds and the bees” explanation. Chances are, if your child has asked this question, they would like to know about humans. Leave sexual orientation out of the conversation unless asked specifically. Focus on your beliefs and how those can be applied in their lives.

All of these subjects can be difficult to talk about with your child. Just remember help is out there. Do not hesitate to bring in a professional if needed.

The Author

Rianne Hunter is a wife, mother of three, and an independent blogger who writes for a broad range of topics and types of publishers.

 Are there any other tough topics to talk with your kids?  How do suggest talking about them?  Please leave your answers in the Comments.  Thank you.

Image Credit: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jmettraux/

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