
Safe and Protected – Five Ways to Keep Your Family that Way

protecting-home-against-burglary-590x387Every day, we hear reports in the news about people robbing stores, breaking into homes, and violently attacking innocent people. Recently, two armed robbers broke into an apartment in Fort Wayne, IN, both of them armed with guns.

Not only did they want to steal the valuables in the apartment, they were willing to use deadly force to get them. Luckily, the father of the family living there noticed something wrong and armed himself with a gun.

He was able to protect his home and stop the criminals. He kept his wife and child safe from harm. What would have happened in the same scenario if this husband was not armed and didn’t know how to protect his wife and child?

Many people worry about being able to protect themselves and their loved ones against a violent attack. While there are ways to reduce your likelihood of being a target, it’s also good to know what methods you can legally resort to in case you’re ever faced with an imminent attack.

Always Be Aware to Stay Safe

The best way to avoid an encounter is to be aware of your surroundings. Knowing what’s around you at all times can help you avoid attack and other problems. Trust your instincts. If you start feeling like something is wrong, then you can prepare yourself mentally and be ready for anything that comes your way.

In most cases, an attack simply is not going to come out of nowhere. In almost every attack, you will be aware you are in a dangerous place, or that something is awry. Here are a few points to watch out for:

  • Are there lights in the area and other people?
  • Has someone been following you for several blocks, and even stops when you turn around?
  • Is there someone who is simply standing by your vehicle?
  • Is someone persisting in getting your attention, even getting angry?

You don’t want to open yourself up to a lawsuit or criminal charges, so focus on these four legal options.

Use a Whistle

One of the most effective, and safest, ways to protect yourself and others against an attacker is through the use of a rape whistle. Everyone should have one of these whistles, since they are cheap, easy-to-use, and effective. The whistle does exactly what it is meant to do, which is to emit a high-pitched noise that can be heard by everyone from a long distance. Safe - Rape Whistle

This high sound will probably scare away any attacker, and it will alert others you need help. Since a whistle won’t actually stop a determined attacker, below are some options that will stop any criminal in their tracks.

Stock up on Pepper Spray

The great benefit of pepper spray is it’s nonlethal and highly effective. Aimed at your intruder’s face, it will stop most people in their tracks. This powerful tool and defensive weapon can completely incapacitate a person, while causing an immense amount of pain. If you get pepper spray in the eyes, it will take an enormous force of will to be able to open them and see again within a short time frame. Safe - Pepper spray I phone caseThis spray will also cause the lungs to contract, making it difficult to breathe. While the side effects of this spray can completely disarm even the deadliest of attackers, the risk of permanent damage is minimal, so it’s a top choice for non-violent protection. After you hit the assailant with pepper spray, you’ll have time to run to a safe spot and seek out help.

Carry a Gun

It’s been said the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. If you’re willing to carry a weapon, then get a concealed carry permit and make sure you always have your weapon on you. You’ll have to take special classes, and some states may require you to register the weapon.

Safe - Woman with gunThere’s more to this than just getting the permit. You should also go target shooting on a regular basis to keep your aim solid and make sure you’re comfortable with the weapon. Make it a routine to regularly practice with the weapon you are intending to use. Concealed carrying is a large responsibility that carries a heavy weight.

If you don’t think you can kill a person who is trying to attack you, and also deal with the trauma of this act after the event, you will want to steer clear of carrying a weapon. You will also need to be prepared for the fact you will face stiff legal opposition when you use a weapon, which means you are going to need a great lawyer.

Learn Martial Arts

Safe - Kickboxing Girl

Martial arts and self-defense classes teach you how to use your own strengths to bring down any attacker. Some methods will be more offensive and will focus on the strength of certain parts of your body, while other martial arts might focus more on using your attacker’s weight and strength to your advantage.

Certain techniques teach you what to do against someone carrying a gun or knife, and you can also learn how to use weapons like staffs and nun-chucks. The great benefit of these lessons is you’ll always have the skills with you and ready to be put to use at a moment’s notice.

Tread carefully when carrying weapons, however, because items like dirks and knives are illegal to carry in some states and they can get you in a great deal of trouble, even if you use them in self-defense.

If you do have to defend yourself, there’s no guarantee you won’t have to face charges or even a lawsuit. It’s less likely if you use nonlethal force, but it still can happen. While you need to be able to protect yourself, you should also know you can turn to for advice and assistance if you should face legal problems as a result of defending yourself and your family.

The Author

Chaleigh Glass is a writer and photographer from NYC. When she isn’t busy in her apartment writing, Chaleigh loves to travel. Her escapades and interactions with people from a broad spectrum of backgrounds has given her a vast amount of different experiences and pieces of knowledge she loves to share in her writings.  Be sure to check out her previous article, “Four Pieces of Advice You Can Give to Friends Suffering from Domestic Violence Issues.

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