How to Evaluate a Child Care Provider

Noble is an understatement to describe the job of a child care provider. The task is more than just taking care of children while parents are working. A child care provider’s job is crucial to the various aspects of child development. Children can grow independent and confident with the aid of a good child care provider while others can cause more harm than good.
Methods of judging the performance of a child care provider differ. It can be different for a parent or a staff manager. Differences can also be seen in terms of the child’s age group.
Whether you are a parent looking for child care, a parent who is evaluating your child’s provider, or someone who is evaluating a staff for your child care services company, here are general areas that can help you with your assessment:
Relationship with the Child Care Provider
This is the most vital part of your evaluation. After all, this is the main duty of their job description. A good child care provider can build good rapport and relationship with the child. The child should also feel at ease and safe when left with the provider.
Check how the child care provider greets and says goodbye to the child. Also see the reaction of the child. Is the child happy to see the child care provider? Does the child go home without even looking at the child care provider upon pick-up?
Identify how the child care provider relates to the child. Check for eye contact. How does she/he talk to the kids? Is there eye contact?
Observe the Child
The performance of the child care provider is best reflected on the kids. Are the kids happy to play with the child care provider? Upon visitation, do you see kids coming to talk to the child care provider?
How does the child react before and after daycare? When the child is unhappy and crying before daycare, part of the reason can be the child care provider. Same goes upon pick-up – is the child enjoying herself/himself while waiting? Does the child bid farewell with a happy face?
Look at clues on how the child responds when you try to talk about the child care provider at home.
How the Child Care Provider Relates to Parent
Child care providers don’t have to build a personal relationship with parents but a relationship based on partnership for the child’s benefit. Does the child care provider take time to talk to parents before and after sessions?
Staff in daycares must be supportive to parents on how they raise their kids. An effective daycare worker is not afraid to comment on the development of the child.
Work Ethics and Training
Together with personality is the qualification of the child care provider. What educational attainment does she have to boost her performance? Does she have a degree in Early Child Education? Or in Special Education? Is she currently studying higher education in this field?
Inquire the previous job of the child care provider and how long her tenure was in her previous and current job. This way, you can test her loyalty and dedication to her job.
Other things to consider when evaluating childcare providers are their relationship with other staff, as well as tardiness and attendance.
Evaluating child care provider like best nannies is very important for parents and child care organizations. The best and effective child care provider give parents not only the assurance their children are in good hands, but also of finding a partner in rearing good children. For companies and organizations, it is one step to keep up the quality of their service to the community.
The Author
Quida Canon is a freelance writer with over two years experience in writing, editing and researching in the field of construction. In 2010, she graduated with a degree in Construction Management and started her career as a feature writer for a company magazine before becoming a freelance writer for many magazines and websites.