
Sell Your Junk and Pay for Christmas

There’s no need to take out loans in order to pay for a decent Christmas. Too many families are avoiding paying their bills in order to buy too much food or to spoil the children and other family members. Christmas is not a time to overspend. You don’t need to get yourself into more debt.

The money you need can be found in your own home, so you can keep the cash for the bills and avoid the expensive repayments over the next few years, here’s how.

Clean Out the Kids Toy Box

If you have young children you are bound to have a lot of toys that are no longer being played with. Toys in good condition can always be sold. The easiest place to sell them is online using well-known auction websites. If you have the box you will get more money but it’s worth trying to sell the toys without the box too.

Sell your junk - It's not rocket science.  You need cash.  We need toys.

If you don’t want to use EBay you can try and sell them through your friends on social networks and through local buying and selling groups. Take a great image and supply plenty of information to encourage people to buy from you.

Sell Your Old Electronics

Go through your drawers, cupboards and the attic and look for all your old electrical goods. You may find old laptops, computers, stereos, MP3 players, computer consoles and digital cameras.

Sell your junk - 12 offers for Apple iPhone 45 64 GB (AT&T)

All of these items can be sold, even if they don’t work. Sell the items for parts or for repair. All you need to do is be totally honest about the condition so no one is disappointed and asks for a refund.

Rent Out Your Spare Room

This option is slightly different to the others but it is one worth considering if money is tight. If you have a spare room taking in a lodger can bring in some extra money each month and it may even be tax free, you’ll need to contact your local council for advice.$_75 It is always important you protect yourself with a contract. The lease agreement will contain your terms and conditions and will inform the tenant of what they need to do as part of the lease.

Sorting Out Your Wardrobes

Old clothes take up space in your home, there’s no need to keep hold of them. If you haven’t worn an item of clothing for the last 12 months the chances of you wearing it is slim. Go through your wardrobes and be very strict with what you keep and what you don’t.


When you’ve sorted out your wardrobe and drawers move on to the children’s clothing. They will have plenty of outfits that have been outgrown. You can make money by offering the clothes to recycling centres such as Glasgow recycling.  They offer money for old clothes which can be a great little earner for you.

Once you’ve cleared out the house you will have plenty of items you can sell on for money. Make sure all the items are clean and in a suitable condition to sell. If they do have damage just be honest in your listings to avoid any issues. All the money you raise can then be spent on Christmas goodies for the family, and you have the added bonus of having a clean and clutter free home too!

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