
Five Tips to Giving Your Kids the Tree House of their Dreams

One of the greatest things you can do for your kids is to provide them with magical childhood experiences. It’s no secret building a tree house and allowing children to lose themselves in this make-believe fantastical kingdom is an amazing dreamlike experience! Kids who have tree houses will use them to create memories they will cherish all their lives.

Five Tips to Giving Your Kids the Treehouse Of Their Dreams

If you want to build your kids a tree house, follow these five tips to make it spectacular:

Tip 1: Choose the Right Trees

The first step in building an awesome tree house is to choose the right trees. Hardwood trees like maple, oak and beech make the best options to locate the tree house in. You will want to locate the tree house in a grove of trees to make the construction as easy as possible.

Tree house

Tip 2: All Hands on Tree House Deck

Tree house

The most important part of building a tree house is to create a solid foundation. The foundation of the tree house is the deck. It is crucial to make the deck as flat as possible to make sure the structure is secure. Also ensure the use of sturdy 2×8 boards to frame the deck. You can attach these together with lag screws to secure them tightly.

Tip 3: Leave Gaps Around the Trees

You need to keep in mind that the trees will keep growing even after you build the tree house.

Tree house - gap around tree

Therefore, you need to leave gaps around the trees to allow them room to grow. You should leave at least a three-inch gap around any tree trunks that pass through the structure.

Tip 4: Single-Tree Solution

If you do not have several suitable trees located together, this doesn’t mean that your dreams of a tree house for your kids are dead. If you have just one good tree to use, you can still build


this wonderful toy house for them. You’ll just need to support the beams to reinforce the structure.

Tip 5: Build on the Ground

One of the best ways to make the process easier is to build the sections of the tree house on the ground. You can then use a rope pulley to lift them up into place. This will greatly simplify the task, and it is especially useful if you aren’t fond of heights.

Once you have the tree house built, remember it is for your kids. Try to let them have it to themselves as much as possible. Go to Toys-R-us and fill it with some exciting toys suitable for their age and to match their interests as well. They will be able to enjoy it a lot more if it feels like a private sanctuary to them.

The author, Hannah Whittenly, is a freelance writer from Sacramento, California. A mother of two, Hannah enjoys writing on blogs of all niches. Be sure to read her previous contributions: 

Four Ways to Get the Most Out of Your Weekend With the Family

Preparing Your Teen to Pass their Driving Test

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