
Six Life Changing Books to Read for Life Changing Results

Often times the best knowledge will come from books. Many authors who discover a few useful truths decide to share them with the world through the written word. The results of which are several inspiring books that have prompted a lot of individuals into positive action. Some potentially life-changing books are:

1. It’s Not How Good You Are – by Paul Arden 

This book is about drawing on the courage within you to change your current life’s situation. Paul Arden will make you feel like beginning the process of changing your life immediately. It is great for anyone who needs a pep talk before making a positive life-changing decision. It will completely help you do away with the fear of holding back from making your ideas a reality; it will definitely help you summon all the courage stored up in you and use it for that noble purpose.

2. The Saint, The Surfer, and The CEO – by Robin Sharma

This is one great book that will guide you into the exciting world of wholeness and possibility. You will learn how easy it is to become your best self by accomplishing more and being more than you currently are. It is the best book especially for individuals who feel it is time they changed their life. 

3. The Secret – by Rhonda Bryne

This is one book whose praises have been sang by many of its readers. It presents exciting, surprising and even controversial ideas that can really change your life in a positive way. There are some insightful suggestions featured in the book such as the use of the Law of Attraction.  A principle that indicates how one can attract anything they focus their energy on whether good or bad. It is an interesting read that addresses different aspects of life and is quite a mind-opener. 

4. How To Win Friends & Influence People – By Dale Carnegie

The world would definitely be a different place if everybody in it read this book. Social gatherings, business dealings and relationships wouldn’t be so difficult. It is a very informative read and will help you better understand the intricacies which are a major part of human relations. After reading this book you will learn how to effectively and positively handle and manage different kinds of situations that you are likely to be facing daily, involving different kinds of individuals. This book is simply a-must read. 

5. Rich Dad Poor Dad – by Robert Kiyosaki

This is one book whose principles will stay with you forever after reading it. There are quite insightful principles on finances and investing which will make you realize that not only the rich can have early retirement, wealth and money but you can also achieve it, if only you embraced the ideas suggested in the book which are quite different from what many are familiar with. For anyone who needs to positively change their current financial situation, useful and practical financial knowledge is featured in this book. 

6. Purpose Driven Life – by Rick Warren 

For anyone who wants to make some significant changes in their life, then the Purpose Driven Life is what they should read. As with many life-changing books, this book will not change your life immediately but it will help you look for your purpose in life and direct you in the right direction. If you have found your purpose already, then you will no doubt focus on your purpose more after reading this book. 

Sierra Luke is an avid reader and a blogger. She likes to share how people can change their lives by simply starting to believe in themselves.

Are there other titles you consider life changing?  Please list them in the Comments below.  Thank you.

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  1. I’ve heard great things about Rich Dad, Poor Dad and How to Win Friends. I believe these books can be very helpful but I worry that too many people read them without really taking action to positively change their life. I believe motivation to change must be internal and not external. Also would be interesting to expand the category to include motivation podcast which are easier to consume.

    1. I agree with you, Matt. The majority of us are what I would consider knowledge rich and execution poor. For some reason we let ourselves down by not following through on the knowledge gained through books, webinars, podcasts, etc. You probably hit the answer by stating the motivation to change must come from within.


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