When To Draw The Line On Video Games and the Web

Playtime! Whenever I hear that word, I think about building blocks, rocking horses, climbing tree houses and real conversations between my friends and me. Nowadays, it seems I don’t see a lot of kids climbing trees or playing with those beloved wooden blocks.
Children as young as two years old are given gaming consoles and have computers with internet access in their rooms. Though these gadgets open the doors to a whole new world of ideas and information for our kids, there are some dangers parents everywhere should know.
The Dangers of Video Games and the Internet
Obesity and Disorders
When children replace physical activities like running, jumping and climbing for a game controller, you can expect a number of health issues arising from it. Several studies have proven increased BMI (body mass index) is clearly linked to the time children spend playing video games and watching TV.
Naturally, when a child is watching TV or toying around with the computer, he’s more likely to ask for unhealthy snacks to eat. Aside from obesity, children can also develop back and neck problems from sitting too long and bad posture. Did I mention about eye strain, pounding headaches, carpal tunnel syndrome and sleep disturbances?
As opposed to common kid’s toys such as toy soldiers or chemistry sets for older children, violent video games seem to trigger a
child’s aggressive behavior and contributes to a decreased pro-social behavior. Though some of the modern games today allow them to play online and interact with players from all over the world, it’s still risky business. Remember, the people your kids are playing might not exactly be the same age and might have other reasons (cyber bulling, ask them to download malware and the like).
Wasted Time
Time wasted on playing video games contribute to a child’s poor performance in academics. He usually rushes through his school work just to finish an “important” chapter in his game. Additionally, reading time has also decreased significantly as the video games get more interesting. Older kids also spend more time on social networks such as Facebook and Twitter. The danger? Your child will be falling behind most of his classmates if he spends more time on video games and the Internet than studying for a test.
Inappropriate Content
“Mom, the Internet is so cool!” Yes, it is. You have access to unlimited information about anything under the sun.
But it’s not as cool as when you discover your child looking at pictures, videos and web content that’s not appropriate for minors. It’s also disturbing to learn some websites have inappropriate pop-ups even though you’re checking an educational website.
What You Can Do
Video games, apps on gadgets such as tablets, and the Internet have educational benefits, but their negative effects outweigh the advantages. As much as we want to keep up with the times, we also want the best for our children. If you’re thinking of proper gifts for your kids, especially toddlers and younger kids, go traditional instead of giving them newfangled gadgets.
Give them building blocks, a bicycle, or build a tree house for them. Buy toys for toddlers that can teach them about sights and sounds and encourage their creativity without the dangers of creating violence or creepy people on the Internet who want to take advantage of them.
Debra Wright keeps tabs on all things new in the world of kids toys. Aside from using this information in her current line of work, she seeks to help and inspire others by writing about her newest discoveries. Keep tabs on Debra @debrawrites…