Blended Family Poetry ~ Unexpected Spectrum of Perfection

We’ve blended our family, and
Further from bland we run
We’re getting close to the edge
Of a world shaded from sun
We’re chasing a rainbow
Together going for the gold
We feel the promise and the hope
As we step into a world colored bold
Red is my name
I’m sometimes passionate
I’m sometimes angry
But I am always full of love
Orange is my name
I’m energetic and exert a lot of effort
It’s sometimes hard for me to give trust
But my harvests are abundant fruits of success
Yellow is my name
I am joyful and want to shine
Sometimes uncertain, I may warn you away
But my smile is catching and my mind stimulating
Green is my name
I naturally like to soothe, help, and heal
I’m sometimes jealous or selfish if I’m not nourished too
But I am always growing and want us to blossom harmoniously
Blue is my name
I am often calm, tranquil, and understanding
I’m distant when my mind dives into oceans or soars into skies
But I see larger pictures and am loyal, true, and wise
Purple is my name
I am creative, independent, and noble
I may act like pompous royalty and want to be surrounded by luxury
But it’d be because my inner power gets hindered; when I can share it, I empower
We’ve become the full spectrum
Families of unique and shining hues
We merged into one family complete
Vibrancy and vitality in what we’ve fused
Say our names; we’re every color, every shade
No black and white world; no shadow the same
For when we come together, we illuminate
We got everything we need; Family is our name
~ Gerardo Campbell
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