Santa Claus Is Coming To Town via Letter!

With Christmas fast approaching, the excitement in the air will become too much to ignore. Although some parents are filled with stress and a certain dread with Christmas looming, others, including every child in our modern world is positively beaming with excitement over the prospect of a visit from our ever faithful friend, Santa Claus.
Everyone’s Hero
Santa Claus is every child’s hero around the 25th December. Receiving their most wanted toys that have only been in their imaginations or in shop windows until the point when they wake up on Christmas morning and everything becomes reality (well hopefully!). Children all around the world have spent many years putting pen to paper in trying to tell Santa Claus of their childhood wishes and wants.
From experience, our little ones can often have a very long list of those. Every year in our house, we have a sort of routine where, around the 15th of December (or the weekend that falls around the middle of the month), we spend the afternoon putting up the Christmas tree. It’s a wonderful time spent with the children who, now I’m fully aware, rush through this process so we can get the ‘writing Santa a letter’ part.
A Letter From Santa
Santa’s letters are written among all the mess of the Christmas decorations and is a special and most treasured part of our Christmas. The children write a (very long) list of everything they want, and more… My children have made some very fair points over the last couple of years, and as they are worries that most children will no doubt have, I have short listed a few questions and answers below that will hopefully rest their little minds assured:
Question 1: How will Santa know where I live?
Answer: Santa knows everything! No matter where you are on Christmas Day, he will know.
Question 2: How will Santa get down my chimney when I don’t have one?!
Answer: Santa has ways of getting into your home even if you don’t have a chimney. With Santa, Anything is possible.
Question 3: How does he get around the world in just one night?
Answer: Rudolph and the rest of the reindeers of course! Santa has a big journey and spends a long time planning it. He makes sure he has enough time to visit every single child in the while world! He never misses anyone out.
Question 4: if I write a letter to Santa to ask him for the presents I would love, will I get a reply?
Answer: As you know Santa is extremely busy in the run up to Christmas, however, he always has time to reply to most children’s letters, especially of those who made his nice child list! His helpers all around the world forward on the lovely letters he receives and helps him to reply to each and every one of them. Our friends at Lapland Mailroom have helped Santa for many years.
The Magic Of Christmas Is Here
I find the magic that is Christmas is such a wonderful time of year and I love nothing more than seeing my children’s faces on Christmas morning as they delightfully open their gifts. The second most fabulous vision is my children’s faces when, on Christmas Eve, two letters arrive on the door mat address to them.
The children squeal will excitement as they tear open the envelope, knowing full well this is the reply to their letters that they’ve so eagerly anticipated. As we read out our letters separately, the children are overwhelmed. A letter from Santa, or more importantly, a reply from Santa is almost better than any gift in the world! I will be ordering again and again just see the delight on their faces.
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