
The Difficult and Rewarding Tasks of Being a Mother

Mothers play a unique role in the lives of every human being.  Whether good or bad they help to shape each person into the adult they will become.  Unfortunately, some repeat a cycle of negligence and abuse.  While others do their best to create a healthy environment for their children regardless of their circumstances. 

Strength of Love

Many mothers fight every day to put a smile on their faces and give their children the best even when the odds are stacked against them, and for this they deserve to be celebrated every single day.

Reward Her for Her Patience and Love

It may not be possible to find the perfect gift to show your mom how much you appreciate all that she does, but a beautiful gift that reflects her selfless nature is a great place to start.

Love is Patient

Diamonds are a mother’s best friend and a dazzling piece of jewelry goes a long way toward showing her you know she always put you first. Online jewelry retailer Shane Co. has a whole section with unique jewelry gift ideas for her that are right at your fingertips.

Mother’s Pure and Unconditional Love

As a mother, she loves her children regardless of how they act.  Even when she’s angry and disappointed in them, she loves them with a strength that can’t be explained.  No matter how many times you disappoint your mother, she will forgive you and welcome you back with open arms and a forgiving spirit. 

Unconditional Love

She doesn’t have the ability to stay mad at your forever even when it seems that way.  The unconditional love of a mother is something unique and rare that should be treasured and rewarded with diamonds and all things beautiful and bright.

Mother’s Strength and Hard Work

Hard Work

Mom may not have the biggest muscles or seem as tough as dad, but she spends her entire day doing hard work and hauling loads around, both physically and emotionally.  She hauls laundry baskets up and down the stairs, gets out of bed early to make lunch and carries the load of the worries of her children on her shoulders. 

She’s stronger than she looks and manages to keep it all together with a smile on her face.  The hidden gifts your mother offers to you are gifts that may not be noticed until you are raising a family of your own, but she carries your worries and concerns along with the weight of the rest of the family on a regular basis.  While doing this, she still manages to make cookies and have impromptu dance parties in the living room.

Mother’s Unselfish Nature

The nature of being a mother requires she put her needs on the back burner and focus on those of her family.  When food is scarce, she’ll eat less so her children can have more.  When time is limited, she’ll cut out the things she does for herself to drive you to soccer and gymnastics. 


When her mental energy is waning, she’ll take a deep breath and move on with the day to ensure you have what you need.  Mothers who put their needs on hold for their children should be celebrated highly. 

Although society values fame and fortune more than most things, the unselfish nature of a mother is a rare gift that should be treasured.

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