Cremation or Burial? A Difficult but Important Decision

Some people decide for themselves whether they will be buried or cremated when they die. They usually indicate it in their will. Other people leave it up to their family to decide – this is especially common if they die without a will.
It is one of the last things you’ll want to consider in the middle of grieving, but a decision has to be made. Don’t rush – your instincts will help you decide. If you are the decision maker you’ll find considering the following will help you.
Cost Plays its Part
Unfortunately, the cost of laying a loved one to rest can be really high – and the last thing you’ll want to be worrying about is money.
If you are concerned about finances then cremation will be cheaper than a burial. You will still need to pay for certain things but overall the bill will be less.
What’s Your Timescale?
If you decide on a burial then it will need to happen fairly soon after the person has passed away. Sometimes this puts undue pressure on the family to organize a funeral before they are ready. Some people relish the chance to distract themselves with the planning of the service, while others simply need more time to grieve before they start thinking about practicalities.
If you would rather wait for a while, then a cremation is a better option – you can then arrange a memorial service whenever you and the rest of the family feel ready. This can sometimes take a few weeks or more.
Concern for the Environment
If the person who you are laying to rest was enthusiastic about protecting the environment, then the chances are they would prefer a cremation over a burial. Cremation has a far smaller carbon footprint and is kinder on the environment.
How Much Time to Organize Do You Have?
There are more decisions to be made for a burial than there are for a cremation, so if you are on limited time you may find a cremation less stressful.
You don’t have to organize headstones (a memorial plaque can be laid at a later date) and there is less to think about with the coffin as it will be cremated along with the body.
Think About What They Would Want
Think carefully about whether you have ever had any conversations with the person who has passed away about funerals. Perhaps you went to a funeral together and they commented on whether they would like to be buried or cremated?
People normally have a fair idea of how they would like to be laid to rest, so carefully consider what you think they may have wanted.
If you opt for a cremation, then consider having a memorial service where you can scatter the ashes at a place they have always loved. It will mean a lot to all of you there to make it special.
Today’s featured writer is Richard Lee. Richard provides funeral and post-funeral services like cremation in Hamden, CT. He considers his job very important in helping families making the final arrangements of their loved ones.