Three Simple Ways To Improve Your Life

Many of us are unhappy with some aspects of our lives, but we lack the knowledge and motivation to actively work towards changing it. It could be a small element we wish to change or something bigger that would dramatically change our futures.
Whatever it is you want to improve, almost anything is possible, you just have to set your mind to it and know how to stay on track. Often this is a tough task, and it can be easy to lose sight of why you are doing something, taking steps backwards and sometimes giving up.
Be More Active
Studies show people who have a more active life style are automatically more productive and driven than those with a sedentary lifestyle. Think about it, when you exercise how does it make you feel? In most cases, after exercise people typically feel alert, confident and happy. When we exercise, feel good hormones are released making us feel as if we could achieve anything.
Use exercise to keep your mind focused and driven, ready to make changes for the better. If you don’t already exercise you will soon find that introducing as little as 30 minutes of daily exercise into your routine will automatically leave you feeling energised and increase your productivity and confidence.
Find A Way To Stay Focused
We are all programmed differently and whilst some of us may find it easy to focus on tasks and set goals others find it extremely difficult. We all work in different ways; it’s just about finding out what works for you and how to keep yourself on track. Here are some ways to make sure you stick to your goals to improve your life, try them out and see which work for you.
- Daily Reminders – It can really help to remind yourself every day why you are doing something and what the result will be. Try writing down your end goal and putting it somewhere you will see every day like the bathroom mirror or the fridge.
- Reward Scheme – A reward scheme works especially well if you are doing something that will greatly change your current lifestyle. For example, if you are trying to lose weight allow yourself one day off from dieting a week as a reward and so as not to change your habits dramatically too quickly. We all deserve to be rewarded for hard work.
- Social Influence – It helps some of us stay on track if we tell those close to us what we are trying to active. This may encourage someone to partner with you allowing you to help each other stay on target. It also helps to know that if we do give up we will have our friends and family to explain ourselves to. Knowing those close to you are behind you and supporting you can really help you stay motivated.
Train Your Mind
It is true some of us are just not wired to be organised, goal oriented and naturally driven. You may find no matter how hard you try to stay focused you have set backs making it harder to stick to your plan. It is possible to learn to take better control of your mind and your actions through using Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) training.
NLP is a way in which we can learn to understand our actions and why it is we do what we do to learn how to communicate better, be more productive and be in complete control of yourself and your thoughts and feelings. A NLP practitioner can teach you to better understand how your mind works and change your attitudes and the way you think about the future leaving you better able to meet your goals and stay on track.
Eilidh MacRae works for Performance Partnership who have can help you improve your life with NLP.
Exercise is an extremely important part of my life. It is my hobby and stress relief mechanism that helps me to stay level headed and also allows me to push my self to constantly be better and work through difficulty. I think you should consider eating healthy and eliminating negative influences from your life. Nutrition affects your mood, productivity and how you feel about yourself. Externally many say you are the some of your 5 closes friends so if you really want to be successful and happy don’t let others hold you back.