Stepfather Poetry ~ Happy “Stepfather’s” Day

A father is a name for a man. A man who loved and cared for you, who was there to hold your hand. The title carries no restrictions, and is not bound by blood. For some of the greatest fathers are those men who just stepped up.
This Father’s day there’s just one man, we owe such gratitude. Our stepfather who loved no matter what we put him through. He always made a point to say, he loved us bad and loved us good. He was always right there for us, though we shared no bond through blood. A man with strength and honor, and one we respect, who never once forgot what being a “father” really meant.
And even though he’s gone now, It’s very clear to see, he is loved and missed by many; not just his stepchildren who grieve. We never shall forget this man, the love; the role he played. In each of our lives on different days he left his stamp in some way. Though he cannot hear our words today, I know he’s looking down, and his warmth we feel surrounds us, with his memory all around.
Not all father’s who are father can say they’ve earned this title, we can tell you our stepfather earned more throughout his time here. We will miss him every single day, and never will forget; the choice he made in loving us will carry on in hearts and heads. You may be gone, but you are loved, and everything you did, had an impact on us having everything we ever dreamt.
We are so very thankful you were brought into our lives, and we’re grateful for the moments when you were by each of our sides. Please know every moment you are missed and you are loved. Not just this special Father’s day, but every single day to come.
Happy Father’s Day, may you rest in peace and carry our love in your heart with you always.
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