
Top Tips For Healthy Living As A Family

We are bombarded with media messages about healthy eating and exercise to the point where it is easy to become immune. The children arrive home with bright yellow leaflets in their book bags with advice on how to be active as a family.

The schools have healthy eating policies and once a year they are weighed by the nurse to monitor weight gain at an early stage. Is any of this making a difference to the nation’s health, and do we really understand the health implications of being overweight?

The problem is that our society is so sedentary compared to previous decades.  People drive the shortest distances to work and school and vast sections of society spend their working day at the desk.

Perception of crime has risen despite actual crime falling and parents are afraid to let their children go out to play. It may be that your family is extremely healthy and you’re all glowing with fitness and vitality.

However, if you’re the average family that could do with a bit more exercise and a healthier diet, and then read on to gain some valuable healthy living advice.

Eat Together

It’s a great idea to encourage eating together as a family. Not only is this good for nurturing relationships and sharing your day, it encourages healthy eating, as children follow your example and are more likely to try different foods on the table.

It can be difficult to coordinate if everyone is coming in at a different time but try to make time to eat together on a regular basis if possible.

Buy Local

Not only will you be supporting your local community, but buying local food means you will be getting the freshest, most seasonal produce which is always going to be better for your health. Involve the children if possible.

You can point out the different colors of the fruits and vegetables on the market and let them have a say in the food they eat. This should mean that you will be eating less processed food which is also great.

Grow Your Own

Feeling inspired by eating local seasonal food? How about growing your own fruit and vegetables?

You could have a veg patch in your garden or if space is an issue for you then consider putting your name down for an allotment. There’s nothing like eating your own produce.

As an added benefit, gardening is fantastic exercise, and a great way for families to spend time together.


Exercising together as a family can be fun and a great way to compliment your healthy eating. There are all sorts of activities that are suitable for all ages.

How about swimming, cycling or something more adventurous like roller-skating or sailing? Try out different things to see what enthuses your family as you’re far more likely to stick to something that everyone enjoys.

You can always stop for an ice-cream afterwards. Everything is ok in moderation.

It doesn’t need to be expensive either. You can encourage children to play outside by kicking a ball around with them.

Some of the best outdoor play equipment can be a simple thing like a rope swing in a tree. As long as they’re outside and moving around then it’s a good start.

Sam Wright is a green, leafy veg-loving journalist who goes straight out for a run after spending the day working for Playhouses by Flights of Fantasy

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