Stepdad Father's Day

Stepfather Poetry ~ Happy Father’s Day


Happy Father’s Day


Table of Contents







You came into our broken lives

And sorted through the madness

Brought your special loving touch

Filled our lonely hearts with gladness


Your style drenched with manhood

Without crowding out our own ways

You fathered as only a man should

And brought us all happier days

 Fathers Day Art

It didn’t matter what they called you

Whether or not they called you dad

It didn’t matter how they treated you

 you never let it make you sad.


And all the while you made us

Feel comfortable  letting you lead

And all the time you helped us

To be better we’ve all agreed


So many good days we’ve spent together

Us and the kids; oh the fun we’ve had

But more than that, the love we’ve shared

Thank you for being a great husband and step-dad.


~ Asheagold


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