Stepmom Poetry

Stepmom Poetry ~ To My Stepmom on Her Wedding Day









To My Stepmom on Her Wedding Day


Wedding bells are ringing, the choir is singing, but uncertainty is lingering

You’re so beautiful in white, my dad’s face alight, but will our family be all right?


Please don’t mistake me

I feel fear, but hope, as well

You’ll complete our family

And this will be a happy tale

Stepmom Wedding Day 

Time is always turning, life surely changing, but love is constant and growing

It’s a struggle and fight, I fear what may and what might, I simply long for a future bright


Love holds my memories close at heart

The love remains, but new love begins to glow

Let’s see to it our family never falls apart

You as my stepmom brings me joy, please know

 New Stepfamily



As vows you are whispering, tears I’m crying, but into my family you I’m welcoming

The rings are snug and tight, my fear takes flight, and a new and happy family is in sight


~ Stiles Expressions

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