5 Most Inspiring Videos On The Web

Inspiring Videos the Web’s Top Five
I love to watch YouTube videos. There is nothing greater to me than sitting on my couch and having a laugh at someone’s terrible rendition of Bon Jovi’s “Living on a Prayer.” But every once in a while, I come across a video that inspires me. It makes me thankful for my family, my health, or I get to take a chance to really think about how am I contributing to my world.
1. All of these videos touch me in some way. The first video I haven’t been able to make it though without crying. The strength of the human body when the mind is made up is phenomenal. The video features a middle aged, over weight, disabled veteran that believed what the doctors said about him, “he would never walk without assistance again.”
He believed them and had no hope. After countless times reaching out to others for help, one man took on the challenge. The power of believing in others and helping them to believe in themselves is truly life changing and touching.
2. Brothers, Conner and Cayden Long compete together in triathlons.
But what makes these brothers special is Cayden age 6, has cerebral palsy, and Conner age 8, pushes and pulls his brother in the biking, running and swimming.
While they never have crossed the finish line first, they cross together and that makes them winners.
3. “Yes, you can!” Is the message the father and son racing team convey with everything they do. Rick and Dick Hoyt have competed in marathons, triathlons and Iron Man challenges.
This story is an example of a father laying his life down for his son.
There are is no greater love story then to help someone’s dream come true. Watch this inspiring video and don’t forget your box of tissues.
4. One of my favorites of these videos is of Nick Vujicic. He has no arms and no legs, very apparent disability. But his outlook makes him 10 feet tall and he has truly enriched his life and others.
He carries a message of thankfulness and value for oneself. He brings hope against all circumstances!
5. This last video, is one that really makes you think. It is a calling to self evaluation and seeing the good inside and out. As humans, sometimes we just chose to see the ugly or the bad things people have said about us. We refuse to let ourselves be beautiful and feel the way that others see us. I believe that inner beauty is always brighter than outer beauty. But we have to let both shine. I love the new Dove campaign, they have done it again! My hope is that we all start to view ourselves with value and beauty.
These videos are ones of sacrifice and love, love for others and ourselves. Taking a look around us and finding beauty, thankfulness and choices to make our world a little bit better. We are all called to make a difference and here are just a few inspiring videos of people who have chosen to make that difference.
About the Author: Larah Shelton is a blogger for Smith Monitoring, the leading provider of security monitoring in Houston. She is a wife and a mother of 2. Larah is a motivational speaker to young adults and teens. Her mission is to encourage and teach others how to value themselves.